reality check folx: livin proof fer yall that think im sum kinda - TopicsExpress


reality check folx: livin proof fer yall that think im sum kinda saint or hero that im actually just a livin breathin sinful human bein saved by the grace of God - still a work in progress: I AM SO FREAKIN PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW IM ABOUT TA STRANGLE WHATEVER MF STOLE MY COLD WEATHER SLEEPIN BAGS & MY BEST BLANKETS FROM MY CART PARKED RIGHT O/SIDE THE ANDERSON LIBRARY IN PLAIN VIEW OF A SECURITY CAMERA!!!!!! Unfortunately, it was blocked from my plain view by the wall directly in front of me; now ive moved it up so its in plain sight thru the window a little to the left of that wall..... u best thank yer higher power that im lettin my higher power run this show; i really hope that u desperately needed those sleepin bags & blankets worse than i did - ill gladly let u have em if ure in such dire straits; & my God aint let me down yet - so i know i aint gonna freeze ta death w/ all the other blankets, clothes, & thick quilt that u left 4 me; thnx fer thinkin that much of me anywayz.... btw, u best dye that 1 sleepin bag or sumthin - its clearly recognizable from my profile pic: the pic on the front page of the New Castle paper, & from the front page of the Winchester newspaper w/ Pamela Lynn Baker when i wuz in those towns; & its also purty prominent in most of the pix taken in richmond & plastered on these public facebook pages - im certain one o my fb friendz & followerz will easily recognize it - i just hope & pray they dont do anythin rash like i woulda if ida caught u in the act; but if God can fergive ya, i guess i can 2; but ya better wait til i get outta anderson this comin tue b4 u let me see that sleepin bag sumwhere on these streets - i really wouldnt wanna try ta test me rite now if i were in yer shoes....
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:46:07 +0000

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