recieved a call tonight bout a rat who needed to be placed in a - TopicsExpress


recieved a call tonight bout a rat who needed to be placed in a rescue...of course i responded by acceptin the rat...well hes half and bones...missin most of his hair...covered in mites or lice or sumthin...god only knows what hes all got goin on...doesnt sound rattly...but hes got more dings..cuts...scrapes...and owwies than i can count...smells to high heaven of urine and dont worry lady...ill take in ur rat...i dropped him off at the 24 hour hospital...if he survives dont thank urself...u managed to deprive ur rat of every basic need...than u dump him off on a rescue to hopefully cure...lady if ur readin this...this is makin me sick..that ppl like u exist...that ppl like u are allowed to have pets...take my not ever consider havin the ten minutes i had with this rat before i handed him over to the docs..i showed ur rat more love and compassion than u have in however long uve had him...i love what i do...i love takin in rats that are unwanted..unloved...rats who need love...a home with food..water...clean place to sleep..but this defies what a rescue should be for. NO living breathin feelin creature should have to suffer like this boy is sufferin...ever! bring me ur rat...i will offer ur rat the most love...the best care...for life. i guess that translates to many as cool..i can dump my rat off on this guy..he can eat the medical sumthin die...stay up all night and worry...and i wont have to worry again cuz the rats been dumped off on him this is probley my most unprofional post to date...sorry...but this hurts my soul...tonight that rat is fightin for his life surrounded by strangers...and who did it to him is most likely sleepin like a baby...never to think of him again...and that makes me so angry...i had to go off on this rant
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 06:17:08 +0000

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