recommended. agree? Not that long ago, someone, I believe it - TopicsExpress


recommended. agree? Not that long ago, someone, I believe it was Alexander Sabatelli,posted a video avout the very popular AnCap philosopher, Stephan Molyneaux, being something more of a cult figure than a philisopher. I think I took a quick jab at the cult members in the video and for attacking him and his defooing concept (it may be he takes that too far, as they claimed, but Ill have to listen more to see what he says when it next comes up.) Id only seen a couple of his shows previously, but have seen several more of his shows, and find him extremely well-thought out, and both interesting and entertaining to listen to, especially as he engages in conversations with callers. I naturally disagree with some of his postions, but do recommend adding him to your youtube subscription list. Im posting this particular video because 1 1/2 years ago or, maybe 2, we were discussing the question of Natural Rights. Minarchists, such as myself, almost always agree with Ancaps in that people are endowed with inalienable rights at birth, or even sooner, but I took a divergent path, and had argued, and still do, that there are no such rights that exist as a first principle, but rather, force is a first principle upon and within any group is founded, and that rights are derived by the ability to defend a claim via force or its threat, directly or indirectly. From there, I argued, was the actual foundation of what we presently call rights and their derivative, privileges. I debated the standing Ancap position with several of the Ancaps in Technolibertarians a few times over the years, but since then weve seen moved to many other topics. So I was surprised when AnCap, Stephan Molyneaux came out with his latest video and stated that there are no such things as rights, i,e, as in Natural Rights. Now, Im only about halfway through the video, and he may yet square his comments, as I understand them, with the rest of the AnCap world. The video is just over 27 minutes long, but whether you agree with him or not, or have a different takeaway, a thought it would certainly be of interest to many in here. - Kevin George Haskell
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:33:36 +0000

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