regarding an article in the Sword of the Lord, 10/10/14, by Dr. - TopicsExpress


regarding an article in the Sword of the Lord, 10/10/14, by Dr. Earl D. Jessup. (The only reason I am going to say this here, and not on my blog, is that more of you might read the following if posted on Facebook.) Most of the time I keep my mouth shut when it comes to stuff like this. Usually, things like this only stir up strife and serve as the basis of unnecessary arguing between brothers and sisters in Christ. But this article literally made me shudder with indignation. I cannot be silent this time. In the issue I got in the mail today (for some reason my church has a subscription - for now). Dr. Jessup proceeded to eviscerate contemporary worship and all that is associated with it, especially the music and praise teams. In the conclusion of the article he states: The Word of God is clear. We are to avoid all appearance of contemporary worship in our churches. But on what passages does he base his argument? Judges 2:2-3; Exodus 34:12-1; 1 Peter 2:5, 9; Deuteronomy12:1-3; and a bunch of verses from Numbers 33. And let me just say, if there is any relevance to contemporary music to be found in all the above references, it is purely a result of eisegesis, not exegesis. I guess what infuriates me the most about this article is the blanket, self-righteous condemnation of anyone who does anything modern regarding music. According to Dr. Jessup, any clear-thinking, Christ-honoring, Bible-believing Christian will quickly oppose such direction in our churches. So, Dr. Jessup, because I allow some new praise and worship songs in my church, what does that say about me? Im a muddled-thinking, Christ-dishonoring, Bible-doubting non-Christian? For the record, Dr. Jessup, the next time you do your research, try to use keep your Scripture in context - its more edifying that way. And, secondly, considering this is a national publication for which you are writing, try not to quote Wikipedia so much when it comes to the Church and worship. I am going to try to cool off, now.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:53:12 +0000

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