religion & hollywood have came to be viewed in a negative light by - TopicsExpress


religion & hollywood have came to be viewed in a negative light by many for seemingly tangible reasoning. however when one is able to decode metaphors and see all of life as just that (A METAPHOR) there is MUCH to be gained in LOVE from certain movies and all religions. the creators of both of these phenomenons (religion & cinema) have privileged information that they are trying to conceal in plain site . . using metaphors , they distract the untamed mind with illusion , however those who can see through these illusions to oneness are able to decode the message that remains the solution to every metaphor > > > OUR INFINITE ONENESS WITH ALL IN EVERY TIME SPACE AND DIMENSION AS WELL AS OUR PERSONAL & OUR PLANETS ROLE IN THE ONE CYCLE THAT IS CREATION [everything is everything] secret societies originated thousands of years ago with the desire to protect and preserve this sacred information that was being coveted and concealed in these metaphors by religion for the progression of ALL OF HUMANS . it is only in recent years that secret societies have gained a negative connotation as ONE sect of secret societies known as the illuminati have taken on the role of religions and indoctrinated the current society into blindness using metaphors instead of blatant explanation of the sacred ancient knowledge of existence . the original reason for creation of these secret societies was to use clear 7 delineated language to explain existence , with numbers and geometry . not to conceal this information and use it to gain power over masses. some examples of movies with highly metaphorical storylines that define our universal metaphor > > OUR INFINITE ONENESS WITH ALL IN EVERY TIME SPACE AND DIMENSION AS WELL AS OUR PERSONAL & OUR PLANETS ROLE IN THE ONE CYCLE THAT IS CREATION [everything is everything] :: (MOVIES) 1. Lord of the Rings 2. Star Wars 3. Tron 4. Coneheads 5. Transformers 6.Terminator ___________________________________ (a Religious Example) Satan: The word “Satan” means “adversary.” The Bible describes the devil as that which deceives the world. There is only one thing that deceives us, one thing that hides the truth and life from us, but it is too close for most people to see it. Some people think the devil is a living creature, something with horns and a pointed tail, a cosmic criminal. It is actually a metaphor for our own animal minds. The devil is just a name for the force of deception in all our lives. The adversary of God, the Antichrist, etc., is the mind, the beast within. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. Revelation 12:9 The beast within: There is only one deceiver. It is whatever it is that prevents us from seeing the truth and the life, from seeing true life, from being with God. The dragon is a mythical beast that does not really exist. The Bible’s metaphorical description could not be better. The devil or dragon referred to in the Bible is our animal mind, the invisible beast within us. The Bible says that Christ will slay the Antichrist with truth. When people learn the truth and the life, they will have the mind of Christ and will use the truth against the forces of deception to control the devil, change the devil. Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan! You are blocking my way!” Guardian angel: Jesus does not get rid of the devil (mind); he just takes control of it and puts it in its place in the background, behind life. Satan will be transformed into an angel of light. The bringer of light: The word Lucifer means “bringer of light, or bringer of dawn.” Once the mind realizes that it is the problem, it will begin to turn from Satan into Lucifer. The story is of bad angels and good angels. All angels represent the mind, a bad mind and good mind, and even the good ones are still mind, something that blocks the truth and the life. The good ones represent the good mind that helps you see the truth and life, a guardian angel that fights the bad states of mind. They are not real, just metaphors to represent different states of mind. The Bible says that Satan is a fallen angel, the highest angel that turned into the devil, the enemy of God. It just has to do the opposite and turn from the devil back into God’s helper again, and you will become a divine, spiritual being. truthcontest/entries/the-present-with-religion/satan.html
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:47:26 +0000

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