repentance not mine (roughly written) January 31, 2012 at - TopicsExpress


repentance not mine (roughly written) January 31, 2012 at 7:21pm As I digress to the repressed emotions that sour my soul about you I find myself recessed, cause, I opened heaven’s doors,an allowed you to arrest my development. A development that was not yours for the taken but yet you devoured it, like the savage beast that you are? clawing at my loins an my mind thus far, I screamed for help but no one came, I felt so used, an had a lot of pain/shame. When I chose to let go and move forward in pride, focusing on my essence, you crept in again an began to defame me, for the person, that I was not nor meant to be, but see, you was only diggin yourself and not me. I learned a valuable lesson one I wished I never started be careful who you, allow to enter your heart. Some may say, that I am a woman scorned but I beg to differ I am a woman that has awoken and been re- born. Persuaded in the belief that everything happens for reason you will get yours, just trust, in do season. Life is not meant to be played with like a toy, it is meant to be driven, excelled, accomplished, and enjoyed. That is exactly what I plan on with my time left, there are no untentions on given into death. When GOD calls me home, you better trust an believe, that I will have fulfilled all my duties an required needs, everything that He sent me to do cause see, You wasn’t even a factor I thought you already knew? GOD gives and he takes away, I pray for your soul if and when you see him one day. You can’t hurt me no more than I allow you, so I relinquish my anger and let the enemy devour you! Life is too short to walk around with regret.. I have decided to give my heart a chance to live again an forget.. Not the things that you’ve done too me cause I allowed them unfortunately naively, with that it has caused me to grow completely, to be the woman, That the man I allowed to come into my life, an open me up phenomenally, to be not only his friend, but his lover, an wife. I have learned to let go and let GOD, sadden by the feelings of being contrite, sickened by the notion of allowing misery/strife. Energy, that, I can use elsewhere cause see now, I have someone that really cares, not just about himself but me as well, because we gone write this story, an you betta believe what it tells. Voncia Lesettajo Nichols©2012 Study2ShowThyselfApproved. Inc.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 08:19:07 +0000

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