rest. We are a busy people; few are able to truly able to get - TopicsExpress


rest. We are a busy people; few are able to truly able to get away and recoup from the hustle and bustle of life. In leadership training I was taught to discipline myself not to do more work, but to find a place and a time each week to be alone and rest. Having this alone time to think and to rest your body actually helps you function at the highest level. In Mark 6 the disciples have just returned from going out and teaching and healing in Jesus authority (thats another lesson we could learn). Next is the tragic story of the beheading of John the Baptizer, and then an amazing miracle is recorded: the feeding of the five thousand (thats just the men; probably double that including women and children) with the five loaves and two fish. In our wonder at this miracle we sometimes overlook the compassionate command of the Lord to His disciples (His closest followers). Verse 31 reads; Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He said to them, Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. In many churches today a committee would have been formed to determine what strategy could be used to retain and assimilate all these newcomers. But Jesus noticed the fatigue of His disciples and said, Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Like Marthas sister, Mary, maybe the best place is just sitting at His feet instead of bustling about in the kitchen. Today I encourage you to reorient your to-do list to include a time where you can be with Jesus in a quiet place and get some rest. The sunrise and sunsets have been stunning the last couple of days, and the moon is beautiful....or, have you been to busy to notice how He paints the sky each day? Get alone with Him in a quiet place, and get some rest. Its the best investment of your most precious time, and all those things demanding your time and attention?? Funny thing... once you put them in their place, they dont seem to be all that urgent!!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:12:00 +0000

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