retweetingJESUS devotionals in james | monday | june 23 (this - TopicsExpress


retweetingJESUS devotionals in james | monday | june 23 (this weeks devotionals are written by Adam Harwood) James 1:19-20 -- My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Why are we sometimes tempted to air our opinion about politics, sports, or the latest fad? Perhaps we want to appear intelligent or powerful or important. Whatever the reason, we can be tempted to be quick to speak. God flips that impulse on its head when He says that we should be quick to listen, and slow to speak. Some have suggested that God gave us one mouth and two ears so we would listen twice as much as we speak. That seems like good advice. In college, I met and developed a friendship with Laura, who is now my wife of 18 years. During our season of dating, I remember asking Laura a question and noticing that she did not respond immediately. Instead, she paused then gave a slow, deliberate answer. I was amazed. I thought, “Wow. She is actually thinking about what she will say before she opens her mouth!” She was and is a model of the instruction in James 1:19. Why is anger mentioned in these verses? Uncontrolled speech can lead to anger, which leads to more careless speech. Sadly, we know that words spoken in the heat of the moment can cause pain and regret. And anger does not nurture a godly life. Are you quick to speak or quick to listen? @daily prayer: O God, thank you for these words of wisdom from Scripture. Please remind me today to be quick to listen to other people but slow to speak. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 10:54:16 +0000

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