rite has given rise to innumerable problem including environmental - TopicsExpress


rite has given rise to innumerable problem including environmental disaster, deforestation, drought and even intellectual and moral turpitude in society. Different rites are performed to achieve different results. When the mystic rite is targeted against a person, he suffers from the problems intended in the ritual. But people think that it was preordained and the almanacs etc. had forewarned about it. Through almanacs etc. these traders have circulated ominous prognoses of the worst kind. They say that with the advent of kaliyuga people will indulge in incestuous relation. They will lose-their sense of right and wrong and will behave like animals disregarding the sanctity of their relation with their mother and sister. It is therefore incumbent on all of you to demolish this sin unitedly so that your younger generation could be saved from the threat of moral and intellectual degradation. Let me tell you with all the emphasis at my command that these problems are not the will of god. They are the outcome of the diabolism of the banias, which needs to be dismantled. They have spoiled the intellect of the people to this extent that they (people) do not realize that Mother Earth is a living being and she is suffering from several ailments. If she had no life, she would have dried up by now. How could in that case the universe survives and grows? So this fact must be kept in mind that Earth is a living entity and that’s why plants grow on land. The entire universe is based on her. But the banias have created confusion in the minds of the people and so they fail to see the reality. The banias are performing diabolic rite to curse Mother Earth, but people think that the predictions of the almanacs are coming true. The banias are happy in their heart of hearts that they been able to practice diabolism secretly and the kings and the subjects are attributing their miseries to the astrological predictions. Nobody knows about their secret operation which they have kept a closely guarded secret. I know of their secret operation because they have tormented me with their diabolism. I too was unaware of their secret game until I was subjected to torture by them. But you people are totally ignorant of their misdeeds because your thinking power and your wisdom has been captivated by them by their diabolic power. Since I am worried about the future of your children, I have taken it upon myself to expose their nefarious activity. I want to tell you that the occurrence of natural calamities, the incidence of infant mortality and miracles like disappearance of image of deities from the temples and their reappearance by breaking apart Earth’s surface are all the handiwork of these saudagars. If you want your children to live happily, all of you including the rulers and the subjects should unite and take steps to dismantle their sin. The damage that they have done to the thinking faculty of the rulers as well as the subjects is beyond description. As a result both the rulers and the common citizen have great trust in these treacherous people. They think that all other – the Hindus and the Muslims are untrustworthy even if they are telling nothing but truth. On the contrary, these saudagars are indulging in complete falsehood and yet people trust them. This is all due to the effect of diabolism. But they are cheating both the Hindus and the Muslims by manipulating their account books leading to their indebtedness. They forge the signature of the poor people on paper and manage false witnesses to grab their belonging including cattle herds as a repayment of the debt. When the matter goes to the court of law, they present the forged evidence which is relied upon by the court. The poor man is punished on the basis of the false case filed by the banias. This is the justice which a poor man receives from the court of law. These unscrupulous moneylenders prepare forged documents in the names of fathers and grandfathers of the poor people and when the elders have died, they ask the innocent people to repay their loan showing them the documents purported to have been signed by their deceased elders. They threaten them to take legal action in case they failed to repay the loan. In most cases the poor man succumbs to the threat and repays the amount. If he fails, he is dragged to the court, where the forged documents are presented. Taking cognizance of the charge, the court decrees the poor man to repay the loan. Thus the claim of the dishonest moneylender is upheld by the court while the honest man is proved wrong. This is how the courts give their judgement in the raj (the British rule). The reason is not far to seek. It is the same diabolic influence of the banias which has debased the sense of judgement of all the people including the judicial authorities. Pitted against the powerful bania, the poor man has no say even in the courts. Nobody trusts him. His sincerity is questioned. On the contrary, the dishonest moneylenders who have committed forgery are favoured by the court. Their manipulated account books, forged documents and false witnesses presented before the court are relied upon whereas the sincere pleadings of a poor man are ignored. What an irony is this that those who are toiling day and night are facing starvation, where as these traders and moneylenders have amassed huge ill-gotten wealth without doing anything. The banias, who are relatively less affluent, fleece the poor people of the world by resorting to forgery. As against them the wealthy banias dupe the rich by adopting all kinds of dishonest means. They have spoiled the sense of judgement of the people by their diabolic power. Which is why the evidence tendered by a poor man before a court of law is dismissed as unreliable? The less affluent banias forge the documents and file a suit of non-repayment of loan in a court against a poor man. But the wealthy banias make a rich person his target and files a suit against him by forging documents. They lodge a claim which includes not only the principal amount and interest thereon but interest on interest as well. They tell their victim that his grandfather had borrowed money from them showing them forged bond. If he agrees to pay him the amount, well and good. Otherwise they file a suit against him in a court of law and get the amount by way of the court’s decree. But the authorities and the rulers do not pay attention to their forgery. A poor man who has actually borrowed money from a moneylender will never deny this fact. In fact he keeps the record with him that on such and such date he borrowed such and such amount from the moneylender. He takes some other people in confidence in this matter. But when he has not borrowed any money from any money lender and the money lender prepares forged documents to claim a heavy amount from him, he seeks justice from the court of law and makes submission before the court on oath. He testifies that he never borrowed any money from the money lender and that his grandfather had repaid the loan with interest. He even presents documentary proof before the court but the court rejects his evidence. Pitted against a dishonest but wealthy moneylender, a poor man does not get justice in a court of law and his honesty is questioned. All his sincere pleading falls on deaf ears. On the contrary, the forged documents and false evidence of the moneylender are relied upon and the poor man is forced to pay the money because a bania is considered to be an honest and upright man by the men in authority, the rulers and others whose mind has been captivated by means of Indrajal. Besides, the agents of the moneylenders obeying the dictates of their masters, prepare forged promissory note in almost every other person’s name stating that such and such person has borrowed such and such amount mortgaging his cattle, house and other belongings to the moneylender. A statement in the name of the poor man is also recorded in document that in case he fails to repay the loan, he will have no claim over the mortgaged property, nor will he appeal to the king for justice. So they are deft in committing such forgery. And yet the king never suspects their honesty. There is no other reason than the diabolic influence of the merchant community that the people of the world have lost their wisdom. By practising diabolism they have taken in their possession the riches of everybody in the country. They have now set their eyes on the riches of other countries. They have already opened their business establishments in those countries. From time immemorial a large number of gold and silver mines have existed in the world. Therefore there was a lot of wealth in the world. These moneylenders have taken the riches of the world in their possession. They have thus enslaved the whole world. This is to be noted that the kings and their offspring depend on the farmers who work very hard and grow food grains. In spite of this they are forced to work as bonded labour. They work very hard but do not get anything in return from their masters. They are subjected to merciless exploitation. The farmers are toiling in the fields day and night like animals only to feed the whole world. In view of their hard work, they deserve to be treated with respect. It is they who are feeding us and our children. However, having lost their sense of judgement, people are playing second fiddle to these traders. On the other hand they owe to the hard working farmers no thanks. This is all due to Indrajal, the black magic, by means of which they have captivated the wisdom of the people including the king, who do not feel grateful to their real benefactors. The king and others holding authority deny justice to the poor. A poor man who has never borrowed a farthing from the moneylender and says so on oath before the authorities, is not trusted and the claim of the dishonest moneylender based on the forged promissory note and false witnesses is upheld. Thus the poor fellow is made to pay the debt alleged to have been borrowed by his forefathers of seven generations back. This is a travesty of justice. The reason is that the diabolic influence has blinded the sense of justice of the authorities. They fail to see that the poor man who has been wrongly implicated in case of non-repayment of loan, is in fact innocent. One person may be lying. Two persons may be lying. How is it that all poor persons are dishonest and all moneylenders are honest? It is the effect of diabolism which has created a situation in which the poor are always proved wrong. The court denies the poor accused every opportunity to prove himself innocent. On the other hand the false claim of the moneylender is upheld without checking the veracity of the documents presented by him. The accused who is poor does not get justice in spite of his being honest and innocent. The moneylender indulges in all kinds of falsehood and yet his claim is upheld by the court. It is because the dispensers of justice are under the influence of the mystic force. These traders and moneylenders have influenced the sense of judgement of the court authorities by their diabolic power. As a result, they cannot discriminate between truth and falsehood. All these banias have got together and fleeced the people of their money and wealth. They have resorted to this sinful practice in order to doom the world and establish their unchallenged authority over it. They are performing a mystic rite of diabolism to harm the world. Thereby they have destroyed the thinking faculty of the people of India to this extent that nobody, not even the king is remotely aware of the sinful practice of these traders and moneylenders. This they have done on purpose. If their operation remains secret, then they can continue their sinful activity without any hindrance and they will be able to take the entire riches of the world in their possession. They have already grabbed the wealth of the Indian people. Now they are aiming at grabbing the wealth of all other countries and continents. Their insatiable greed for money drove them to take recourse to the sinful practice of Indrajal. They are looking forward to a day when they will own the entire riches of the kings and emperors of all the countries and kingdoms and the mighty monarchs of the world and their subjects will pay obeisance to them. They will be the rulers of the world. This is the reason that I want to inform and educate you people the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others, about the diabolic designs of these saudagars. You have to take a united stand to dismantle their diabolic operation. If during my life time you are able to unite and do something, I am confident that you will succeed in your effort. Otherwise there is little hope. You people do not know the magnitude of their sinful operation. It is intricately woven and widespread. I have the access to their mystic operation because I have been a victim of their diabolic torture. It is my avowed mission to save the present and coming generations of the world from the disastrous designs of the saudagars, with the help of the people of the world. I was severely tormented by these saudagars and that is how I have come to know about their web of Indrajal. They are performing a mystic rite in an island which has resulted in a serious damage to the world, its people and the environment. You do not know about their secret activity since you have not been tormented by them. Unless you are physically tormented and made to witness the gruesome process, you will not know what their diabolism is. In fact they do not subject you to direct physical torture. Instead they perform the sacrificial ritual and you are made the target of its ill-effect. If instead of adopting this indirect method, they torment in person, you will watch their sinister operation with your own eyes and thus their sinful game will come to light, which they do not want. Since I was tormented in person, their secret activity has come to my knowledge. I want that your children should not suffer, which is why I am telling you about the secret designs of these saudagars. I give you my word that if all of you join hands and take steps sincerely and resolutely to foil their game plan during my lifetime, the entire structure of their diabolism will be demolished. I fear my death, this may not be possible. They may convince you people that they have given up the sinful practice. You will be satisfied with their assurance and forget all about it. Then suddenly some day they will resume their operation secretly. They will then ruin the world and establish their rule over the world. So you must do something to dismantle their sinful operation. They have committed a great blunder by tormenting me in person because in this process I have come to know the secret of their mystic rite. Had they not subjected me to physical torture, the world would never have known the secret of their diabolic rite. In the interest of the welfare of the world I in spite of being poor and without means, appeal to the people of the world to have faith in me and extend their helping hand so that I can demolish the sinful operation of these saudagars. Then the world will be free from miseries. People will enjoy all the comforts which were available during the Sat-yuga, which existed before the times of Ravana. O’ the kings, the rulers and the citizens of the world! Please give a serious thought to what I am saying and take action forthwith. Your success will bring back the Sat-yuga in which people enjoy full life span as God has granted to everybody. If people are dying young, it is because of diabolism. I want you to take steps to dismantle the diabolic operation of their saudagars. They will influence your thinking faculty in a variety of ways by means of their diabolic power. They will suggest to you completely different reasons and phenomena so that their sinful operation remains a closely guarded secret. Let me tell you, they have no intention of abandoning their diabolic practice. Once in the past some king had detected their secret operation and wanted it to be dismantled. He had so much as demolished the temples of these saudagars. The saudagars then created confusion in the mind of the king by their diabolic influence. They discontinued this practice temporarily and resumed it after a generation or two. This is a well known fact. If the king, who had detected the secret operation of the banias, had completely dismantled the sinful operation and given death penalty to the culprits, the practice of diabolism would have been finally buried. Those indulging in this secret rite were spared and therefore this practice is continuing unabated. The secret of Ravana’s diabolism was disclosed by his brother Vibhishana and Shanishchara brought it to the notice of the world. Consequently, the whole world got united and dismantled Ravana’s sin. Unlike Ravana, the saudagar-mahajans have strong bond of unity in their community. You cannot elicit any information from any member of their community. No amount of temptation will work. In the past some king had tortured the saudagars secretly and even demolished their temples in order to elicit from them the whole truth about their diabolic practice. They did not tell the truth then, nor will they do it now. With all the emphasis at their command they will deny their involvement in a sinful practice. They will try their best to keep their activity a closely guarded secret. They have decided among themselves that nobody will divulge their secret even if they are tortured by the authorities. That will ensure the safety and prosperity of their offspring. If their diabolism is intact, they can, they think, avenge the harm done to any one of them with might and main. So you see they will never disclose their secret design come what may. It is therefore necessary that so long as they do not abandon the diabolic practice for good, no one of their tribe be allowed to live. They must meet the same fate as Ravana and his descendants met. Then alone others can live in their own regime. Otherwise, they are capable of destroying all the regimes in the world in order to establish their own rule. All the kings and rulers and the common people should therefore gear up to give a big jolt to their demoniac operation. It is now, during my life time, or never. They will lie low and become less active for some time to give an impression to the world that they are not indulging in any diabolic ritual. The kings and the rulers will be convinced that they have actually given up their sinful activity. Take it from me they are not going to sit idle. They will create confusion in the minds of the people and resume their diabolic practice after an interval of a generation or two. I have therefore decided to educate the people of the world about their diabolism both old and new. Shanishchara had done the same thing when he exposed the misdeeds of Ravana to the world. The world then stood against him and finished his sin by putting Ravana and his descendants to death. For some time there was no diabolism. Then Hiranyakashipu took it up.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:16:57 +0000

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