Nov 13 15:27:04 CST - TopicsExpress

   Nov 13 15:27:04 CST 2012 # begin of volatile config # begin build properties # autogenerated by 2.3.5 GRJ90 eng.hongtao.20111013.064550 test-keys #DTS2011082705307 yanzhennan 20120214 sycn DTS2011121506060 begin ro.telephony.default_network=0 #DTS2011082705307 yanzhennan 20120214 sycn DTS2011121506060 end #DTS2011111201620 xubingyan 20111112 begin #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin ro.product.model=HUAWEI U8825-1 #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end ro.product.brand=Huawei #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin #DTS2012030505852 chensaitao 20120307 begin ro.config.hw_browser_ua3g=wap1.huawei/uaprof/HuaweiU8825-1WCDMA.xml ro.config.hw_browser_ua2g=wap1.huawei/uaprof/HuaweiU8825-1GPRS.xml #DTS2012030505852 chensaitao 20120307 end #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end ro.config.hw_use_browser_ua=true ro.product.device=hwu8825-1 #DTS2011111201620 xubingyan 20111112 end ro.product.board=U8825-1 ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.manufacturer=HUAWEI ro.product.locale.language=en ro.product.locale.region=US ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform=msm7627a # is obsolete; use ro.product.device #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin #DTS2011111201620 xubingyan 20111112 begin #DTS2011111201620 xubingyan 20111112 end #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end # Do not try to parse or .fingerprint 2.3.5 GRJ90 eng.hongtao.20111013.064550 test-keys # end build properties # DTS2011012104419 s62695 for quick power on begin ro.config.hw_quickpoweron=true persist.sys.quickpoweron=normal #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 Delete persist.sys.animationstart=false ro.config.hw_poanimation=5000 # DTS2011012104419 s62695 for quick power on end #DTS2012030207284 dkf66758 20120302 Begin ro.config.hw_omacp=1 #DTS2012030207284 dkf66758 20120302 end # */ ro.poweroff_alarm=true # DTS2011021202969 m00170653 20110212 End> #DTS2011050304028 l00176215 20110506 Begin persist.sys.actualpoweron=true #DTS2011050304028 l00176215 20110506 End # # system.prop for surf # rild.libpath=/system/lib/ rild.libargs=-d /dev/smd0 # /* */ persist.rild.nitz_plmn= persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_0= persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_1= persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_2= persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_3= persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_0= persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_1= persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_2= persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_3= ril.subscription.types=NV,RUIM DEVICE_PROVISIONED=1 debug.sf.hw=1 #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete two # DTS2012073101023 qikaiqiang 20120731 begin dalvik.vm.heapsize=128m # DTS2012073101023 qikaiqiang 20120731 end # # system props for the cne module # persist.cne.UseCne=none persist.cne.loc.policy.op=/system/etc/OperatorPolicy.xml persist.cne.loc.policy.user=/system/etc/UserPolicy.xml persist.cne.bwbased.rat.sel=false persist.cne.snsr.based.rat.mgt=false persist.cne.bat.based.rat.mgt=false persist.cne.rat.acq.time.out=30000 persist.cne.rat.acq.retry.tout=0 persist.cne.fmc.mode=false persist.cne.fmc.init.time.out=30 persist.cne.fmcm.time.out=130 persist.cne.fmc.retry=false # # system prop for opengles version # ro.opengles.version=131072 # # system props for the data modules # ro.use_data_netmgrd=true # # system props for IMS module # persist.ims.regmanager.mode=0 # # system prop for requesting Master role in incoming Bluetooth connection. # ro.bluetooth.request.master=true # # system prop for Bluetooth FTP profile # ro.qualcomm.bluetooth.ftp=true # # system prop for Bluetooth SAP profile # # # system prop for Bluetooth Auto connect for remote initated connections # ro.bluetooth.remote.autoconnect=true # #system property for Bluetooth discoverability timeout in seconds #0: Always discoverable # DTS2011111803474 leiwei 20111207 begin # DTS2011111803474 leiwei 20111207 end # # System prop to enable/disable OMH. Enabled by default # # DTS2011121605975 lihaiwei 20111227 begin #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete # DTS2011121605975 lihaiwei 20111227 end #System prop to enable ehrpd capability ro.config.ehrpd=true # System property for cabl ro.qualcomm.cabl=1 # #System prop to determine availability of #analog fm path # #DTS2010060300084 xiongshiyi 00165767 20100603 begin # #System property for FM transmitter # # #System property for single instance recording # ro.config.keypasstouser=true #System property for msm # #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin ro.hw_plat=8x25 #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end #/* < DTS2011093001538 yangyuan 20110930 begin */ #/* < DTS2012040602372 sihongfang 20120410 begin */ ro.config.fm_type=libqcomfm_if #/* DTS2012040602372 sihongfang 20120410 end > */ #/* DTS2011093001538 yangyuan 20110930 end > */ #DTS2010060300084 xiongshiyi 00165767 20100603 end # #System property for clientIdBase. Just need clientibase in China, not need and .yt .am .gmm # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES # #DTS2012030105262 chensaitao 20120303 begin ro.config.ringtone=Huawei_Tune.ogg ro.config.notification_sound=Welcoming.ogg #DTS2012030105262 chensaitao 20120303 end ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Classic.ogg #DTS2011032102567 hanmincheng 20110411 begin #delete to disable jni check #DTS2011032102567 hanmincheng 20110411 end ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt #DTS2010081400204 by h00152727&x00165767 20100814 begin ro.config.hw_addsettingsdbex=1 #DTS2010081400204 by h00152727&x00165767 20100814 end # DTS2010092701023 mengxiaokun00172620 20100930 begin # allow to tear down mobile data connection when device is idle ro.config.hw_power_saving=true # DTS2010092701023 mengxiaokun00172620 20100930 end # # DTS2010072001659 kange159607 20100720 begin # allow device to sent and receive MMS even data service is disabled while this variable is true ro.config.hw_always_allow_mms=true # DTS2010072001659 kange159607 20100720 end # # DTS2011032202087 s00159653 20110322 begin ro.config.hw_GSensorOptimize=true #DTS2012032006787 chensaitao 20120323 begin #DTS2012032402789 chensaitao 20120328 begin #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete #DTS2012032402789 chensaitao 20120328 end #DTS2012032006787 chensaitao 20120323 end # DTS2011032202087 s00159653 20110322 end # # DTS2011030204519 s00159653 20110310 Begin ro.config.hw_menu_unlockscreen=false # DTS2011030204519 s00159653 20110310 End # DTS2010090602461 kange159607 20100906 begin ro.config.hw_RemindWifiToPdp=true # DTS2010090602461 kange159607 20100906 end # # DTS2011060101232 dingxudong 183776 20110601, sync DTS2010122802640 begin # true : enable device to unlock when PUK lock ro.config.hwft_PinPukUnlockscr=true # DTS2011060101232 dingxudong 183776 20110601, sync DTS2010122802640 end # #DTS2011093002512 jinsu 20110930 begin #DTS2011093002512 jinsu 20110930 end # DTS2011051604410 m00170653 20110530 begin # DTS2012022005887 sunhefu 20120405 begin ro.config.AM_PM_STYLE=1 # DTS2012022005887 sunhefu 20120405 end # DTS2011051604410 m00170653 20110530 end #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin # DTS2011051100003 r00182811 20110517 For safemode BEGIN ro.config.move_up_display=true # DTS2011051100003 r00182811 20110517 For safemode END #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end # DTS2011110106085 xiuhongju 20111101 begin # af controller enable switcher # DTS2011110106085 xiuhongju 20111101 end # DTS2011110805882 qilei 2011-11-08 begin keyguard.no_require_sim=true # DTS2011110805882 qilei 2011-11-08 end # 7x25A/27A update begin ro.config.hw_email_signature=Sent from Huawei Mobile # 7x25A/27A update end #DTS2011012800517 jinhui 20110124 begin hw_internal_sd=true #DTS2011012800517 jinhui 20110124 end # # ro.sf.lcd_density=240 #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin ro.config.dualmic=false #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end # /**/ # /*DTS2011111804031 20111201 Begin*/ ro.config.bro_about=true ro.config.bro_exit=true # /*DTS2011111804031 20111201 End*/ # DTS2011120202647 yanzhennan 20111202 begin ro.config.hw_eapsim=true # DTS2011120202647 yanzhennan 20111202 end # #DTS2011111801369 zhangjiqun 20111118 begin ro.config.remove_air_plane=true #DTS2011111801369 zhangjiqun 20111118 end #DTS2011111105952 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom begin ro.config.hw_new_double_signal=1 #DTS2011111105952 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom end #DTS2011111007428 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom begin ro.config.userAgentCustomize=true #DTS2011111007428 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom end #DTS2011110304924 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom begin ro.config.browser_agent=true #DTS2011110304924 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom end #DTS2011052604435 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom begin ro.config.DOMAIN_ASCII_ONLY=true #DTS2011052604435 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom end #DTS2011122904449 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom begin ro.config.showEmergencyNumber=true #DTS2011122904449 wanghaitao 20120116 for chinatelecom end #DTS2012012000256 haoliguo 20120120 begin ro.config.hw_uninstall_dataapp=true #DTS2012012000256 haoliguo 20120120 end # DTS2012021101952 zengpeiyu 2012-2-11 begin #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete four # DTS2012021101952 zengpeiyu 2012-2-11 end # DTS2012011402030 yanzhennan 20120114 begin # DTS2012030904775 yanzhennan 20120309 begin # 2 = not set, 0 = DUN not required, 1 = DUN required #ro.config.hw_tether_dun_enable=0 DTS2012082306226 # DTS2012030904775 yanzhennan 20120309 begin # DTS2012011402030 yanzhennan 20120114 end #/*< DTS2012011906026 chendeng 20120120 begin */ #/*Support ICS double sdcard. The value may be external_sd or internal_sd*/ persist.sys.main_storage=internal_sd #/*DTS2012011906026 chendeng 20120120 end >*/ #/* < DTS2012020706986 wangyoufu 20120207 begin */ ro.config.hw_testingsettings=true #/* DTS2012020706986 wangyoufu 20120207 end > */ # DTS2012031508163 z00206983 20120315 begin debug.enabletr=true # DTS2012031508163 z00206983 20120315 end #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 begin #DTS2012021507548 zhudengkui 20120215 begin debug.camcorder.disablemeta=0 #DTS2012021507548 zhudengkui 20120215 end #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 end # DTS2011122305732 liutie 20111226 begin persist.sys.strictmode.disable=true # DTS2011122305732 liutie 20111226 end #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete # ro.config.hw_support_ipcall=false # # # ro.config.hw_voicerecord=true DTS2012082306226 # #/* < DTS2012022002232 wangwenbo 20120220 begin */ #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete #/* DTS2012022002232 wangwenbo 20120220 end > */ #DTS2012022203085 chenhaibao 20120222 begin ro.config.smsUserDataHead = true #DTS2012022203085 chenhaibao 20120222 end #DTS2012022206596 yanhongfei 20120223 add begin #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete #DTS2012022206596 yanhongfei 20120223 add end persist.fuse_sdcard=false #DTS2012011902027 guanjunujie 20120120 begin ro.config.hw_allowformat=true #DTS2012011902027 guanjunujie 20120120 end #DTS2012011902069 guanjunujie 20120120 begin ro.config.hw_allow_ums_and_mtp=true #DTS2012011902069 guanjunujie 20120120 end #DTS2012021607935 guanjunujie 20120214 begin ro.config.switchPrimaryVolume=true #DTS2012021607935 guanjunujie 20120214 end # DTS2012022802590 wuye00193878 20120229 begin ro.config.internal_sdcard=yes ro.config.hw_cdma_cdg=false # DTS2012022802590 wuye00193878 20120229 end #/*< DTS2012031303262 yufei 20120313 begin */ #/*< DTS2012022306777 yufei 20120301 begin */ #/*DTS2012022306777 yufei 20120301 end >*/ #/*DTS2012031303262 yufei 20120313 end >*/ # /* */ #DTS2012030300592 Cheng Wei c81003953 2012-03-09 add begin. #DTS2012030300592 Cheng Wei c81003953 2012-03-09 add end. #DTS2012022804910 chensaitao 20120323 begin ro.config.hw_test_version=false #DTS2012022804910 chensaitao 20120323 end # DTS2012040502110 jinkehan 20120405 begin # DTS2012032303307 jinkehan 20120323 begin #ro.huawei.cust.drm.fl_only=true DTS2012082306226 # DTS2012032303307 jinkehan 20120323 end # DTS2012040502110 jinkehan 20120405 end #/**/ # DTS2012032607960 tiandazhang 20120327 begin ro.config.widevine_level3=true # DTS2012032607960 tiandazhang 20120327 end #/**/ # DTS2012101204349 qikaiqiang 20121012 begin # DTS2012090707058 qikaiqiang 20120907 begin # DTS2012081602674 qikaiqiang 201200815 begin # DTS2012041703860 zhangqijia 20120417 begin # DTS2012041703860 zhangqijia 20120417 end # DTS2012081602674 qikaiqiang 201200815 end # DTS2012090707058 qikaiqiang 20120907 end # DTS2012101204349 qikaiqiang 20121012 end #DTS2012022002232 wangwenbo 20120220 begin #DTS2012071603805 qikaiqiang 20120713 delete #DTS2012022002232 wangwenbo 20120220 end # DTS2012031202627 sunyu 20120324 begin ro.config.hw_nullalpha_act=true # DTS2012031202627 sunyu 20120324 end # DTS2012053104216 caijinmin 20120531 begin ro.config.hw.usedtime.statis=1 # DTS2012053104216 caijinmin 20120531 end # DTS2012073101023 qikaiqiang 20120731 begin # DTS2012052300508 caijinmin 20120523 begin # DTS2012101203307 qikaiqiang 20121029 begin # DTS2012101203307 qikaiqiang 20121029 end # DTS2012052300508 caijinmin 20120523 end # DTS2012052700267 z81003396 20120611 begin ro.config.hw_vcardBase64=true # DTS2012052700267 z81003396 20120611 end # DTS2012062806152 z81003396 20120628 begin audio.legacy.postproc=true dalvik.vm.heapconcurrentstart=2097152 dalvik.vm.heapidealfree=8388608 dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=5m dalvik.vm.heaputilization=0.25 httplive.enable.discontinuity=true hw.cabl.level=2 hw.cabl.version=1.0.20120512 # DTS2012070206461 z81003396 20120702 begin hwui.render_dirty_regions=true # DTS2012070206461 z81003396 20120702 end # DTS2012070406933 z81003396 20120704 begin # init.svc.cnd=running # init.svc.console=running # init.svc.ppd=running # init.svc.qcom-usb-sh=stopped # init.svc.wpa_supplicant=running # media.stagefright.enable-aac=true # media.stagefright.enable-fma2dp=true # media.stagefright.enable-http=true # media.stagefright.enable-meta=false # media.stagefright.enable-player=true # media.stagefright.enable-qcp=true # media.stagefright.enable-scan=true # DTS2012070406933 z81003396 20120704 end net.dns.cache_size=512 net.dns.cache_ttl=600 net.http.getzip=1 net.http.idle_cache.shutdown=true net.http.idle_cache.size=40 net.http.threads=10 net.nw.cache.orderby=weight net.nw.cache.prioadvstep=86400000 net.nw.cache.weightadvstep=3600000 persist.sys.strictmode.visual=false # DTS2012070406933 z81003396 20120704 Delete ro.screen.layout=normal ro.staticwallpaper.pixelformat=RGB_565 ro.vendor.extension_library=/system/lib/ wlan.driver.status=ok ro.config.hw_dts=true ro.config.ringtone2=Huawei_Tune.ogg # DTS2012062806152 z81003396 20120628 end #/**/ # DTS2012070206461 z81003396 20120702 begin debugposition.type=mdp del.autofill.for.qcom=true # DTS2012070206461 z81003396 20120702 end # DTS2012070406933 z81003396 20120704 begin lpa.decode=true ro.huawei.cust.drm.fl_only=false ro.config.hw_music_dts=false ro.config.hw_dtsmode=true # DTS2012070406933 z81003396 20120704 end #TCP Fin Aggregation net.tcp.fin.aggregation = 1 #Memory Cache net.webkit.cache.mindeadsize = 4194304 net.webkit.cache.maxdeadsize = 4194304 net.webkit.cache.size = 12582912 #DNS Bug Fix and Netstack Priority Fix net.webkit.setpri = 1 #Fling velocity ro.max.fling_velocity=4000 debugposition.8x25.type=mdp # DTS2012073101023 qikaiqiang 20120731 end # DTS2012081300543 qikaiqiang 20120813 begin ro.config.hw_gcf_mms=true # DTS2012081300543 qikaiqiang 20120813 end # DTS2012080901751 qikaiqiang 20120815 begin # DTS2012080901751 qikaiqiang 20120815 end # DTS2012082306226 qikaiqiang 20120823 begin ro.config.hw_voicerecord=false # DTS2012082306226 qikaiqiang 20120823 end # DTS2012091800014 qikaiqiang 20120920 begin ro.config.hw_show_alert_dialog=true # DTS2012091800014 qikaiqiang 20120920 end # DTS2012092705716 qikaiqiang 20120927 begin ro.config.hw.security_enabled=true ro.config.hw.security_volume=11 ro.config.hw_tether_dun_enable=1 ro.hw.usempdp=true ro.config.hw_fast_dormancy=0 ro.config.hw_fast_dormancy_ap=false persist.telephony.mpdn=true # DTS2012092705716 qikaiqiang 20120927 end # DTS2012080707025 l00208516 20120807 begin # set voicemail number prioriy ro.config.vm_prioritymode=2 # DTS2012080707025 l00208516 20120807 end #/* < DTS2012081705004 qikaiqiang 20121016 delete */ #/* < DTS2012102903685 zengfengming 20121029 begin */ # # system props for thermald # persist.thermal.monitor=true #/* DTS2012102903685 zengfengming 20121029 end > */ # end of volatile config 4.0.4 GRJ90 C00B956 release-keys,release-keys ro.confg.hw_appsbootversion=U8825-1V100R001C00B956_APPSBOOT ro.confg.hw_appversion=U8825-1V100R001C00B956_KERNEL ro.confg.hw_appfsversion=U8825-1V100R001C00B956_SYSIMG
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 01:50:07 +0000

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