"Of - TopicsExpress

   "Of course, in US-occupied Afghanistan or Iraq, people did have the ability to behave toward American soldiers much as George Zimmerman did to Trayvon Martin, except for the fact that standing their ground against encroaching American forces would have immediately identified them as terrorists, or at best troublemakers who needed to be taught a lesson – maybe by drone. What most Americans, including this administration, don’t seem to understand is that as long as the US or any country or group is willing to kill other people so easily and without direct justification or regard for the rule, and to do so in pursuance or protection of a set of policies which oppress or support the oppression and immiseration of so many people, it will never be able to tackle its legacy of hatred, violence, racism and death inside its borders. The same dynamics that make those drone operators with a conscience “feel like sociopaths” ensures that the sociopathic tendencies within American culture at home – the fetishisation and idolatrous worship of guns and violence and their disproportionate use on the young, the poor, women and minorities – will continue. It’s hard to see how the US will finally have that “conversation about race” so many have hoped Obama would lead as long as its government so routinely kills “others” for nothing more than looking the way Trayvon Martin looked to George Zimmerman. If two men as smart as Obama and Holder can’t or won’t understand this, young men will continue to die without legal or moral justification, and in the suburbs of the American south as much as the badlands of Pakistan."
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 20:11:01 +0000

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