rt/files/news/33/1e/30/00/000_nic6337826.jpg ,QUESTION !ARE - TopicsExpress


rt/files/news/33/1e/30/00/000_nic6337826.jpg ,QUESTION !ARE ISLAMIC STATE JIHADIST MUSLIMS ?ARE THE FOLLOWERS OF MAZHABS ALL OVER THE WORLD MUSLIMS (SUBMITTERS ~ISLAM ) OR MUSYRIKUN, AL-MUNAFEQOON (REF QURAN 63:1-3)? 19 YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD WHICH RESULTED IN A 50 YEAR WAR ENDING WITH THE DEFEAT OF SAIDINA ALI’S SON (Prophet Muhammad’s family were assassinated by plotters and enemies of the ISLAM) IN KARBALLA, THE SECOND SYAHADAH (Q63:1)THEREFORE WAS USED FOR THE MAZHAB’S RELIGION UNTIL TODAY{KNOWN AS MUHAMMADAN}!~Q30:35~[Have WE given them AUTHORIZATION that JUSTIFIES THEIR IDOLATRY?]????!Surah Al- Room 30:32 [(Do not fall in idol worship,)like those who divide their religion into SECTS;each party rejoicing with what they have.]THE QUESTION NOW WHO ARE THE TRUE SUBMITTERS (ISLAM)??THE FOLLOWERS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD OR THE FOLLOWERS OF THE MAZHAB OF TODAY??? Q63:2[Under the guise of their apparent faith, they repel the people from the path of ALLAH.Miserable indeed is what they do.]Q63:3[This is because they BELIEVED*{FIRST SYAHADAH OF (Q3:18,Q69:40-47 & Q17:73-75,* Q72:18)},then DISBELIEVED~Q4:79(*ADDITION OF THE SECOND SYAHADAH).Hence ,their MINDS ARE BLOCKED;THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND.} THE CASE OF THE SECOND SYAHADAH A DECEPTION BY SATANIC AGENTS??~Deception on second syahadah detected BY ALLAH!~Surah Al-Raad (Q13:43)and in Surah Al-Munaafeqoon~(Q63:1)]WHEN THE HYPOCRITES[(MUSYRIKUN(مشركون) those who commit shirk and plot against Islam often clearly refers to the enemies of Islam (as in verse 9.1–15) but sometimes it also refers to erring Muslims] come unto thee,they say,”We bear witness that thou art indeed God’ Apostle!”But Allah knows that thou art truly His Apostle;and he bear witness that the hypocrites are indeed false[in the declaration of faith] Surah Al-Fatt-h48:28[He is the One who sent His messenger with guidance and the RELIGION OF TRUTH,TO MAKE IT PREVAIL OVER ALL OTHER RELIGION.ALLAH SUFFICES AS A WITNESS] note! ALLAH SUFFICES AS A WITNESS!Surah AR-RAD (Q13;43)And [if] they who are bent on denying the truth say[unto thee,O Prophet],”Thou hast not been sent[by ALLAH]“say thou:”None can bear witness between me and you as ALLAH does;and[none can bear witness as does]he who truly understands this divine writ”[note : NONE CAN BEAR WITNESS....!] Question!Did ALLAH ENDORSED the second syahadah?Q63:2[Under the guise of their apparent faith,they repel the people from the path of ALLAH.MISERABLE INDEED IS WHAT THEY DO] note! and they are doing it to this very day!(62:2)Surah Al-Ankaboot 29:52[Say.Allah suffices as a witness between Me and you.He knows everything in the heavens and the earth.Surely,those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in ALLAH are the real losers.] note again ALLAH SUFFICES AS A WITNESS BETWEEN ME AND YOU.Q4:79. IS THE SECOND SYAHADAH.IN AZAN AND SALAT..” the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God, or more literally the establishment of “partners” placed beside God. It is the vice that is opposed to the virtue of tawhid (monotheism)”IN CRYSTAL CLEAR DEFIANCE OF ALLAH’S COMMANDMENT IN Q 72:18* REMEMBER ALLAH’S COMMANDMENT IN Q72:18] THE PLACES OF WORSHIP BELONG TO ALLAH DO NOT CALL (INVOKE) ON ANYONE ELSE BESIDE ALLAH. ANYONE ELSE INCLUDES PROPHET MUHAMMAD ,PROPHET ABRAHAM ANY SECT LEADERS DEAD OR ALIVE ARE IDOLS AND THEREFORE “SHIRK”. MANDATORY COMMENTS BY RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS IS REQUIRED WITH REGARDS TO AZAN AND SALAT IN THE CURRENT PRACTICES OF SECTS TODAY???!!!?? SURAH BARA’AH 9:107~[There are those who ABUSE THE MASJID BY PRACTICING IDOL WORSHIP,DIVIDING THE BELIEVERS, AND PROVIDING COMFORT TO THOSE WHO OPPOSE ALLAH AND HIS MESSENGER.They solemnly swear:Our intentions are honorable! ALLAH BEARS WITNESS THAT THEY ARE LIARS] *( 9:107 ~Any MASJID where the practices are not devoted absolutely to GOD ALONE belongs to Satan not GOD . For example ,mentioning the names of Abraham, Muhammad,and/or Ali in the AZAN and /or THE SALAT PRAYERS VIOLATES ALLAH’S COMMANDMENTS IN QURAN’S 2:136,2:285,3:84 &72:18. Unfortunately this is a common practice throughout the corrupted Muslim world)The general public should also note that in Surah 63:1 Allah says- Only the hypocrites makes such a statement i.e”Muhammad is God’s messenger”as added testimony to GOD’s Only Syahadah as Al Munaafeq* The Imams and the Bilal of these beautiful mosques and perhaps Islamic Scholars, Hadiths scholars , Al Hafiz and Islamic lawyers of the Muslim world must now answer one intriguing question from the general public interested in Islam as to whether the Second Syahadah is indeed Allah’s Commandment or a deception to lead the Believers ASTRAY ?????? However it is very interesting for the general public to note that in the Quran ~Allah’s Syahadah= LAILAHA ILLA ALLAH/HU -Testifying the Oneness of God(Allah) occur 30 times in the Quran and NEVER IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANOTHER NAME.Therefore there is ONE SYAHADAH in the Quran e.g 3 Ayat 18. MAZHAB~CREATION OF SECTS:was the consequence of betraying the teaching of the Quran and was originally a heresy(Surah Al An’am 6:159[Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you.THEIR JUDGEMENT REST WITH ALLAH AND HE WILL INFORM THEM EVERYTHING THEY HAD DONE.];Surah Al:Room30:32[(DO NOT FALL INTO IDOL WORSHIP,LIKE THOSE WHO DIVIDE THEIR RELIGION INTO SECTS~MAZHAB:EACH PARTY REJOICING WITH WHAT THEY HAVE.]They have doomed themselves to a man-made religion that sanctifies medieval Arab culture and practices in the name of ALLAH and the prophet. They do not dedicate themselves to the religion of ALLAH ALONE by holding QURAN ALONE AS THE ONLY SOURCE OF THEIR RELIGION. It was CONCOCTED BY CLERICS, DIVIDED INTO MANY HOSTILE SECTS,FACTIONS AND ORDERS.{The humble question was this an attempt to copy THE Christian Knight Templars and the Orders during Medieval times and also encouraged by enemies of Islam to weaken and divide the Ummah???!!} See Surah Ali -Imran[DO NOT BE LIKE THOSE WHO BECAME DIVIDED AND DISPUTED, DESPITE THE CLEAR PROOFS THAT WERE GIVEN TO THEM.FOR THESE HAVE INCURRED A TERRIBLE RETRIBUTION.]Surah Al Mu’minun23:52-56[SUCH IS YOUR CONGREGATION---ONE CONGREGATION----AND I AM YOUR LORD;YOU SHALL REVERENCE ME;53~BUT THEY TORE THEMSELVES INTO DISPUTING FACTIONS;EACH PARTY HAPPY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE.;54:THEREFORE, JUST LEAVE THEM IN THEIR CONFUSION, FOR AWHILE;55:DO THEY THINK THAT,SINCE WE PROVIDED THEM WITH MONEY AND CHILDREN,56:WE MUST BE SHOWERING THEM WITH BLESSING?INDEED THEY HAVE NO IDEA.]They have nothing to do with the Prophet Muhammad pbuh! “Today’s Mazhab followers Al Sunnah Wal Jemaah not excluded, like past generations, fell into the satanic trap of fabrication, and idolized Muhammad. They accepted him as the source of the religion, which according to Quran is idol worship (6:114; 9:31; 12:40; 18:26, 109,110; 41:6; 46:9). They put his name next to the name of God in the “shahadah”, and this is idol worship (39:45; 3:18; 37:35). They added his name in the “Adhan” and disobeyed Quran (72:18; 2:285; 3:18). They attributed to him many names of God such as Raheem, Raouf, Azeez, Hafeez, Haseeb, Mujeeb, Awwal, Ahir, Kareem, Hakeem… They put his name right next to God’s name in the mosques. By stories of intercession, they accepted him as a rescuer from God (2:123,254; 6:70,94; 7:53; 10:3,18,49; 13:16; 39:44,45; 43:86; 74:48; 82:17-19). They praised his name more than God by abusing the verse 33:56 (For the correct meaning of 33:56 see the verse 33:43 and 9:103 which “salla” means “encourage”, not “praise”). They accepted him as sinless from birth till death (18:110; 41:6; 47:19; 48:2; 33:37; 42:52; 93:7). Ironically, Sunni and Shiite Muhammadans are not aware of their idolatry. They claim that they are monotheists (6:23). THE IMPORTANT QUESTION BEFORE ISLAMIC SCHOLARS IS THERE ANY TRUTH THAT THE PRESENT MAZHAB FOLLOWERS ARE MUSYRIKUN AND NOT MUSLIMS!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:10:16 +0000

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