s letter to the Chicago Sun-Times: Your op ed on Thursday - TopicsExpress


s letter to the Chicago Sun-Times: Your op ed on Thursday pointed out that Bergdahl was 23 when he disappeared. Still quite young. You further opined that he may have been more stupid than disloyal when he walked away and into the clutches of the Taliban. I joined the Army when I was 22, older than nearly all of my fellow Basic Trainees. I deployed to Iraq when I was 25. Using Bergdahls age as an excuse for his desertion takes away from the vast majority of recruits who swore to defend this country because it insinuates that at the time they joined they were too young to know what they were doing. Did the thousands of American soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan sacrifice their lives out of honor, duty, and love for this country, or were they just too stupid to know better? Were the six soldiers who died searching for him too young to know what they were doing? They knew. And he knew.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 17:21:04 +0000

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