sIAMS mYSTIC LETTER TO A FORMER HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL MYSTIC somewhat corrected version ~ there is NO present or future that ignores the foundation they stand upon, and the very atomic particles and luminous fliliments in that egg deposited there in the past, that have made it what it NOW IS! if any ONE single atomic nuclear particle were missing, there would BE no present, or future YOU! those particles are ever living, radiant, and forever evolving, expanding, and never die in the past, NOT to those with authentic HU~(GOD)~MAN BE~ING! and sEE~ENG! i reached out to you when i thought i really needed you , after triple by pass open heart surgery, when i was left alone to die upon my death bed by all those i thought closest to me..., i reached out to you in my darkest most horrendous personal hour, for i thought i really needed you, and others; i gave you my phone number and wrote just as intimately to you in the present as i did in the past, and your present only gave me more rejection, alone~ness, depression, emptiness, and more suicidal tendencies at that time in my life... IAM grateful for it though! for in that more emptiness i realized i needed NO human being, but that i only needed GOD!. good to hear from you, i could, for once, here the Jim i never stopped growing or loving in that. some people are too busy to be busy! a poem wrote me about that ~ they become sO fat! that they have forgotten their skinny! dont die and be buried within that graveyard, and your bones rot and decay there, away! with so many others like that in our non~empathetic insensitive NOT want for our brother what we want for our own self~absorbed selves! and dont be like the Pills Berry Dough Boy who became so puffed up on his own dough;that he lost everything he had been graced and had stumbled into a NO attitude of real gratitude, and entirely lost ALL his exalted altitude, and when he hit the hard stone cold ground, he could NOT find any of those friends at all around town he had ignored and did not contact or call when they needed him, and he NOW! sO desperately needs them! he had to file for physical, emotional, psychical, spiritual, and mystical bank rupt~seEE! his pomp and circumstance killed him dead and buried him beneath a pile of doo DOO! called arrogance and self important pride, that surely killed the real him within, dead inside... my sacred prince...Jim IAM not the past ~ IAM always in the future cosmically aligned, while speaking and standing as though in this present moment! ps/ ps/ (almost to a silent pitch here) if your WHITE azz wants to authentically know how IAM, you pick up the telephone and authentically call and see how IAM!... the IAM is doing the DO~ENG! NOT you...or me!! SIAM = nEVER Siam/ and when possible, the IAM is in bold, or u can yet call me Ibrahim, and i never say hell is LOW (hello!) as a holy benediction of greeting upon none i consider dear to me, and hi is entirely toO trite, and comes with no might, and is soO un~ necessarily tight, so i now say to you ~ good day, or good night ~ Namastae! Ashanti! Nunga Def! Hotep! praise the Lord GOD! as salam alaykum! (C) 10.25.13 ~ 2.30 OM ALL who bless this page with their divine presence ~ Please Go likemy new authors page @ facebook/pages/Rain-of-Grace-New-Selected-Poems-by-SIAM/391947264153529 For those who wish to traverse the Stations (Maqams) of my Mystic Light, please fold space to enter the emanations (9th carom) of Rain of Grace @ rainofgrace And those that wish to have an extarordinary poetical encounter can purchase my book directly by traveling to createspace/3238789
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:41:44 +0000

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