saiah 14:21 21 Prepare [kuwn] slaughter - TopicsExpress


saiah 14:21 21 Prepare [kuwn] slaughter [matbeach] for his children [ben] for the iniquity [`avon] of their fathers [ab]; that they do not [bal] rise [quwm], nor possess [yarash] the land [erets], nor fill [male] the face [paniym] of the world [tebel] with cities [`ar] [`iyr]. KJV-Interlinear 21 Prepare for his sons a place of slaughter Because of the iniquity of their fathers. They must not arise and take possession of the earth And fill the face of the world with cities. The word for children, ‘ben,’ refers to sons, which obviously is the male child of its parents, but historically male children are the pride the family representing the continuation of the line, the heir of the business. Our subject is Satan. Our timeframe is the end of the Tribulation, which is the last seven years of human rule in human history. The Tribulation begins when the Rapture terminates our current dispensation. And the Tribulation ends approximately seven years later with the second advent of Christ. The Tribulation will be the worst period of evil and destruction in all of human history. Satan of course has no physical children. But here the word for children, is a reference to the results of his production, which is evil, which too, is his pride and joyful achievement. That evil has been responsible for all the atrocities, problems, burdens, difficulties, handicaps, biases, everything bad that has ever occurred in history. The word for fathers, can refer to a parent of course, but here it is a representation of the principal patterns of evil that have been followed from generation to generation throughout history. Satan authored evil, and because of that influence, people have been affected by and have subscribed to, that evil. Satan has never even considered anything other than evil, just as a proud parent looks to the son regardless of the sons qualities. When the second advent occurs, Satan will be clapped in chains and hauled off to the abyss. With Satan out of the picture, his influence likewise will no longer exist for the world. Christ and truth will rule, but man will still have free will. But even so, without Satan’s influence the implements of war will cease to exist or even to be made, and the environment will instantaneously get better. And, for the one thousand year rule of Christ on this planet, war and conflict, even religion, will cease to exist. The evil of Satan will cease to exist when he is incarcerated, and therefore his influence throughout the many generations that will occur during the millennium, likewise will cease to exist.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:29:27 +0000

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