salon/2014/06/24/a_swat_team_blew_a_hole_in_my_2_year_old_son/ My - TopicsExpress


salon/2014/06/24/a_swat_team_blew_a_hole_in_my_2_year_old_son/ My reaction to this horrible story is a perfect example of an earlier post of mine that the male brain changes with fatherhood. Before Rad I would have certainly found this story absolutely appalling, experiencing standard a knee jerk reaction to a terrible story, but now I find I am consumed by the horror of it, and can’t seem to drive it from my mind. That boy is like the same age as Rad, just discovering himself and the world. Now if he even survives he’ll probably be deaf and blind and forever in pain, and all for what? What has our land of freedom become since 9-11, where swat teams can blow open a bedroom door, guns drawn, and throw combat surplus flash grenades blindly into a room full of children? Where is the commanding officer oversight, where was the reconnaissance of the proposed target? Who gave the go-ahead to order an assault on a home where children’s toys were plainly visible in the yard, with those stupid family stick figures on the tailgate of the family minivan in the driveway? And the parents, held hostage at gun point while their critically injured toddler wailed in pain only feet away, it makes me physically ill. If this had happened to my family, and a swat team had blown off Rad’s face with a grenade in his crib I would surely have been shot because nothing else would have stopped me from rushing to his aid.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:44:49 +0000

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