SCIENTOLOGY TODAY The Fastest-Growing Religion in the 21st Century New Churches of Scientology Meeting the Global Demand for the Scientology Religion To meet the global demand for Dianetics and Scientology, a new breed of Scientology Church is being opened in major cities around the world. 2004 marked the launch of the Ideal Org (Organization) strategy to transform all Scientology Churches into Ideal Churches of Scientology. This was the goal L. Ron Hubbard had set for Scientologists—to one day create Churches that were the physical embodiment of the Policy and Technology he had provided to help beings attain spiritual freedom. learn more Upcoming Churches In 2004, the ecclesiastical leader of the Church of Scientology, Mr. David Miscavige, announced the launch of a program to create Ideal Scientology Churches world over. These Ideal Churches stand as the embodiment of the technology of L. Ron Hubbard, designed to provide the full services of Scientology to its parishioners and to the community. To date, more than 70 new buildings have been acquired in population centers around the world. learn more New Advanced Organizations on the Horizon To dramatically speed the progress of parishioners on their spiritual journey to the highest levels in Scientology, Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the religion, inaugurated a program to establish Advanced Organizations on every continent. As the title implies, these organizations open wide the gateway to the highest spiritual levels. As another indication of the Church’s meteoric growth, in the previous five decades there were four Advanced Organizations. By 2009 three more were in the making, completing the Scientology global staircase to eternity. learn more Flag Land Base Nowhere is the growth of the Scientology religion more in evidence than at Flag, its spiritual headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. Planned to ensure the most important Scientology religious retreat continues to meet the increasing need for its services, what began with a single property in 1975 now spans a complex of some 50 buildings over a nine-mile grid, totaling upwards of two million square feet. learn more Freewinds The Freewinds began service as a Church of Scientology religious retreat in 1988. The 440-foot motor vessel provided a distraction-free environment for parishioners to study and experience the highest level of spiritual counseling available in the Scientology religion. learn more Bringing Scientology to the World The new 185,000-square-foot Church of Scientology International Dissemination and Distribution Center is a one-of-a-kind printing and production facility. It houses manufacturing, distribution and administration all under one roof and is manned entirely by Church staff members. This new Center generates dissemination materials for the more than 10,000 Scientology Churches, Missions and affiliated groups worldwide, enabling these organizations to meet the unprecedented demand for Scientology services and programs.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:55:28 +0000

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