se7en poems Buddhist/Tao/Nature - TopicsExpress


se7en poems Buddhist/Tao/Nature themed: --------------------------------------------- 1. untitled believe, it’s true, that under the sun, the work is done, is all complete, come meet upon the crystal shore to be together every way, embrace the quest for soon the morrow finds us, feel the wind upon the water with each other, bask under the moonlight, taking time for dreaming, play the harmony of rivers gurgling, eddies turning, on the bank around the fire burning, flaming bright enlarging the night- shadows on the trees surrounding the bower of repose, free from confine the passion rings true through the branches alight with unequalled delight, host the banquet of imagination, made real by the projection of mind, beneath the swaying of the graceful eucalypts, alongside fishes frolicking in the languid currents, feed the heart content to live as love, here on the otherside... --------------------------------------------- 2. untitled water trickling, gushing, flowing as mind between these seemingly separate subjectiverses – actually, no other than each other, smile resonating ethereally, happiness induced by the natural workings of the transcendent, now in our wordly pain, yet free from suffering, we live and work just as it was always meant to be, aware this dream, of expansive harmony, blissful unknowing of co-creation, though nothing ever happened, after all our illusion is so relatively real that we rejoice, laughing crazywise lenience for our brothers and sisters, all manner of beings human and otherwise so, together growing supple with trans- birth interbeing non-existent graceful aliveness-like completion, as is, just this... --------------------------------------------- 3. untitled our world is not our world, for who with but a word makes it seem thus, imputed persistence of name implying what? that the name equals the thing? a deeper logic pertains, that of immediacy – walking along the path, between the giant hydrangeas, down to the flowering banks of the swiftly flowing river, beside this very excellent scent of perfumed garden lifting us along together, we feel not even as one, let alone two, or many – this shared heartmind refuge as but the imperceptible yet pervasive numinous effulgence, deemed life by those who have names such as life, love for those who have names such as love, even universe, cosmic, whatever, active experience, though so distant from any of these names, while closer to us indeed than language itself – call it by any of these thousand labels, and forsake the questing for the one true ending, beginningless freedom is at hand, at heart, at simple mind of this... --------------------------------------------- 4. untitled chief of inspiration, being passion, insight deep into the marrow of the matter, further relinquish the grasp on existential certainty, revealing tried and tested habitation of the spaces between, the crevasses in the concrete through which the greenweed blooms, consuming definite intensity under the light of the million suns, the moon, drifting fulfilled already, no need for running about, shouting and cursing, declaiming and explaining dharma treasures, but pointing to the silent eruption of joy, sheer awareness of awakened mind, here and now shared by all, no mistake into substantials versus essentials, just your work is done, lay down your tools young man, for the mystery is the original naturalness of non-dual simplicity. --------------------------------------------- 5. untitled no light of life but the light of life we started with, incorrigible heart uncorrected, unassuming, natural state of unsurpassed spontaneity, traipse though ye go through countless fields of wildflower, nor by jungled roads by tangle, never will thy bounty equal more by efforts to venerate one thousandfold each and every glory of the trailway, than by forgetting learning, shedding hard-won knowledge, forsaking name and fame in this instant of uncertainty, whence uncreate be expressed as the silken shroud of the eternal, not even time steals a glance at her inner sanctum, not distance arousing the hidden, most obvious, clarity is this unsought muddyness, the end is not merely nigh, it never did begin, so what is it good for, but absolutely nothing else. --------------------------------------------- 6. untitled beat the drum, call the assembly, for tonight we feast upon the carcasses of ancient making, no flesh this, but dried old philosophies, not even the bones will remain after this eventide, only the dream of eating resists, being deeply ingrained that itself is real, dream nature feels physicality and emotionality should succumb to her protestations of existence, yet the mind forms this mirage in harmony with feeling, karmic influence naturally arising a seeming function of perceptual matrix that does. seem. real. however, these dry bones of mind, like so many trees become oil before, underground techtonic shifts, geological time, cosmic time, that nothing is left in the infinitude of essential already complete natural nameless, eternal fullness, empty of truth, yet true nonetheless. --------------------------------------------- 7. untitled so free, this path this trackless way, no markings we leave as we wander but illusion makes it so, that we feel as though bounded and nameable, that we feel selfness, though no need to be so sure of our place, as tiny creatures in a vast material world; no such stricture exists that would restrain our sheer unfathomableness to mortal, simply mortal, proportions, for we are roaming without care so long as the life force courses through the body heart mind, bridging multiverses interdependently, such perfect immediate understanding so far as the conceptual apparatus desists from frenetic categorising, so liberated is the natural way, already, that strive as we may, only a semblance, a shadow of a passing under the holiest rituals, respectfully so though with awareness as to the effect of all this being no form other than it could ever be, formless, without reliance on terms like holy or form or formless or life, but it is an immanent and transcendent functioning both, no less for being worldly.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:12:20 +0000

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