>> senate in the next election. it was not just on reopening the - TopicsExpress


>> senate in the next election. it was not just on reopening the senate. u.s. senators who are running and sending a message and will had help or hurt? corey booker was elected last night and there 55 democrats and 45 republicans in the senate? that means they need 60 to gain control in 2014. right now the seven house republicans are running or expected to run in the most competitive senate deals next year. one of the most surprising votes of the night. tom cotton is virtually tied ina arkansas. he voted yes on the budget bill and doesnt have a series challenge. he took a different tactic and saying that they wanted to make sure health care was included in any budget negotiations and he voted no. he is trying to unseat mary landrieu. he does have a potential challenger on the right. then republican representative jack kingston who voted no. he is the top fund-raiser among the candidates running for the open senate seat. that was in line with the recent moves to the right. his top rival is michelle nunn who reportedly raised that. pat roberts from kansas and they both voted no on the agreement to reopen the government. a couple of republicans may take a yes vote to elect the chances. steve daps could run to replace max bacchus and he has taken heat over the shut down at home and voted yes on the deal. shelly is heavily favored in the race to replace jay rockefeller. she voted yes last night in west virginia. a big benefit of federal spending. the most fascinating vote may have been mitch mcconnell. after spending most of the government shut down trying to dodge the spotlight, they wanted to lead on the bipartisan bill. the primary challenge facing the fund-raiser. this was not an easy thing for him. he raised a ton of money and democrats have been praising mcconnells leadership. will it help or hurt him. lets talk about some of the winners and the losers. former director of the domestic policy counsel and assistant to the president. robert costa is a brand name in the house of republicans these days. the editor for the national view, contributor waiting for rich to have that raise for him. and liz from the negotiated press. robert, i will start with you. any of those votes surprise you last night? the yeses and nos when it comes to the guys worrying about the race? >> i have two votes. working with the tea party ring in the house, they thought of him. >> perhaps. less so on the policy. >> now he is making a vote and reflections a lot of them and wanted the impasse to end. he is interesting. as much as he plays primary politics. he wanted to protect sequestration. he tried to make entitlement cuts later on. >> he was interested to hear the statement on the floor when they announced the deal. he kept politics out of his and really had the language compare to what we know before. mitch mok connell to roberts point, we are not going to move on that. he drew his own line in the sand and is trying to walk that line. >> look, this is a guy who is facing challenges on the right and the left. the real possibility that he could lose next fall. he does need to put the politics in there. on the other hand he was reading the politics. what he did was say he recognized that the republicans were really suffering. he had to do something. he is hoping he will get credit for that down the road. >> hoo seymore worried about the primary. the president withdrew this line two years ago. a lot of us know this. that was a question of whether you would keep hope alive. whether the credibility is on the line. its a few found political capital of strength. what should he use it for? >> i think a couple of things. one, the period puts aside or sets aside the naysayers who said he is weak. >> the market is open now. we will see the numbers in a minute. >> i think he said very clearly, hopefully once and for all, no, im not moving and not bunling and this cannot be a negotiating tactic and he is hoping that will carry over and bleed into the other negotiations that he wants to have. he made it clear and said it himself. he wants to move forward with regards to immigration. that has been a primary source of disappointment for him. he hasnt been able to accomplish him and he wanted to do it in the first four years and we couldnt get it done then. he sees it as an economic issue. >> having to reassure people that health care is at work. >> thats part and parcel on the health care. >> we had the other part of this is the budget deal. paul ryan voted no. that seemed to be a strategic vote there. the conference said boehner appointed and he is known as a deal maker, paul ryan who sounds like a deal maker but at the end of the day never really budgets there at the end of the day. if he does budge, does boehner and ryan have the credibility? >> ryans no vote is very important. he needs to bring it along as the conference starts. he needs to get the trust and cut a deal with patty murray. maybe even talking about tax reform in a broader sense. >> do you think revenues will ever be unstable? >> when you look at behind the scenes, what they were talking about, loopholes if they think they can get it. the time period is so compressed. >> there 17,000 plans sitting on a shelf. the idea, im sorry. they are sitting there. how many more? they are just sitting there. get one off the shelf. i will take a little bit from there. the idea that they dont have enough time is the most bogus excuse. its what you say when you dont want to do something. >> reinventing the wheel, if you look at the numbers, the republicans are tired of this. its going to play out and its going to play out in perhaps a throw the bums out mentality. both sides forasmuch as republicans are being blamed, the american public is tired of it all. unless we make the effort, lets be honest. this is a congress that the voters voted in. its got to go back to that. >> i had somebody in a house democratic strategist. i said you can find your 17 or 18. you know what, this environment is toxic. we are going to lose more than the people think for this same reason. this anger out there. suddenly they think their problem is and why some of these people dont think they can win the house. they are now more vulnerable to the larger attitude. >> i think thats one of the reasons that the president will speak to the issue of trust and reestablishing trust with the american people. that requires everyone and i know everyone will. >> the republican side should do it. who should be that person? the presidents job, but who can do it on the republican side? >> a leader who will stand up and do that. >> there multiple republican parties stuffed into one jacket. >> its cruz because cruz seems burped here. a lot of people dont like him, but he is controlling where the party is moving with the conversations on the right. >> he wants to take the leadership. >> hes not going to back away. the party is listening to the movement more than it is now. >> i think you will see them quite fast. >> they already are. >> the business community is one. >> there hurt feelings there. between republicans and the democrats. you
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 01:59:48 +0000

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