set my soul on fire as my host, jp, and i continued our - TopicsExpress


set my soul on fire as my host, jp, and i continued our afternoon break from casino hopping during our fantastical vegas weekend at the end of last month, we found ourselves in an antiques mart/pawn shoppe down the road a bit from the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop of Pawn Stars fame. jp was off looking at something or other in one part of the store, when a great looking (clearly reprint) poster for Psycho caught my eye. It was one i had seen before, featuring a great photo of Mr Hitchcock as well as some stills of Anthony Perkins as well as Janet Leigh. Looking more closely, i noticed the poster was signed very legibly and boldly by Ms. Leigh (in metallic silver sharpie, so a contemporary signature of this favored actress of mine who passed away in 2004, as opposed to one from the early 1960s, but cool nevertheless) i see youve got a sharp eye if youre interested in that item, young man i turned around and suddenly there was this older gentleman with a gray 2 day beard peering at me intently well. it sure is a cool pos... but before i could even finish the word poster, my new friend had other things he wanted me to know: and if you look right next to it, youll see another signed piece you might like.... sure enough, there to the Psycho posters left was a nice oversized promo photo signed by a Some Like it Hot era likeness of Tony Curtis i got them posters next to each other because, you know why? the two of them was married in real life i feigned amazement at a fact i have known since i was about 15, not wanting my new friend to think i was a collector of movie memorabilia nor a film history fan, that sort of information i am confident would have led to a long series of items that i really had no business of leaving the state of nevada in two days without purchasing (from him) you dont say... was the least dishonest response i could give my conversation companion, meanwhile my weekendinvegas host&financier jp seemed about ready to depart this boulevard of pawned dreams, so i was anxious to start wrapping up my chat, but there was much more to be heard..... and i know ive got that Psycho poster marked $110$, but im sure that if you wanted to take both of them off my hands, we could work out a good deal... that does sound like a good plan, i countered the only thing id be worried about would be getting two over-sized framed items through security at mccarren airport on tuesday, since im heading back to baltimore ill tell you what we could do.... i was unsuccessful in my attempt to dissuade this used car i mean antiques salesman, so i played along and said to him, what could we do...? i could ship them to your home on tuesday at a small extra cost, you see that way ya wouldnt have to worry about none of that airport security he started to hand be a business card, which i assumed was his final play in this potential business transaction (his business info no doubt would be on the card which i would accept before making my exit) things in las vegas, nevada, are seldom that straightforward, however thats my foster daughter there on the card sure enough i looked down on the business card the seller had handed me and there was a professionally done photo of a 8-12 year old girl whose image said im an adorable abigail breslin like child actor, you must hire me for your commercial or give me a small part in the television show or film youre making... shes an actress; my wife and i love her to death, but raising her sure is expensive.... a-ha this was the play, pull at my heartstrings in order to close the sale, this was not a first-time sale for this businessman ill keep that in mind, i responded inching towards the stores entrance, but my friend is the one with the car here and i see hes ready to go back to the casino, im sure your contact info is there somewhere on this card if i win a massive jackpot and want to come buy these posters. but for now i must run, mr.... im sorry what is your name? confident this sentence cleared me of my obligation to purchase a pair of autographed posters of questionable provenance, i awaited the sellers response, now sharing my friends sense of anxiety to be anywhere but here... you can call me stumpy, thats what everybody has called me since that happened, he said pointing to his legs where a metallic prosthetic limb emanated from the cargo shorts he was wearing i was rendered a bit speechless, but was able to manage a gotcha yeah, just ask for stumpy. lost it over in the gulf war, helicopter blade... i had to go, this vegas reality, the reality of a very cheerful shopkeeper first using his foster daughter then his own physical disability to close a potential minor cash sale really made my mind boggle jp and i returned to the nevada sun, intent & content to return to our low stakes gambling set my soul on fire
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 16:12:04 +0000

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