shared Cliff Woffendens post > Rebirth of Mother Earth Medicine - TopicsExpress


shared Cliff Woffendens post > Rebirth of Mother Earth Medicine Wheel Gathering Reunion Part 1: The Shamanic Experience The Need to Bend the Rules of Ordinary Reality Introduction What is reality? It is far more complex even than science can imagine. Are we playing the game of life with a full deck? No we are not. Are the cards stacked against us? Yes they are. Ordinary reality is what we have been told it is, but we have been given only a small portion of the information we need to play the game to the fullest. This is not intentional. It is just a continuation of a process that has been handed down for thousands of years by those who think they are telling us the truth about life. There is far more going on than we have been told or that we can perceive with our five physical senses. I am not the first to attempt to show what a prison of the mind ordinary reality is, nor will I be the last. Many have seen beyond the veil of lies that has been pulled over the eyes of humanity to keep us from attaining our full potential, from realizing our own divinity. I’m talking about our ability to create our experience through the untapped potential of the most powerful instrument in our possession – our minds. We have been led to believe many things that are just not true. a) Money makes the world go around. Money is just paper (or plastic, as in the case of the new Canadian currency). It has no real or intrinsic value. b) We cannot exist without money. Money is just a medium for exchange of goods and services. We do not need it to accomplish those activities. Barter worked fine for many thousands of years. c) We need government to make rules and keep order. If people were to realize their full potential and the responsibility that goes with it, there would be no need for governmental control. d) Shit happens! No it doesn’t. Everything that happens, happens because we make it happen through our thoughts, beliefs and actions. e) War is inevitable. It is in our nature. No, war is for profit by those who think they are in control. It is never about what they would like us to believe it is. f) We are inadequate and unworthy of being loved. We are Love. g) The world is a dangerous place. It is for those who live in the lie of fear and punishment. h) Science can answer all our questions about the nature of reality. Science is restricted to the confines of ordinary reality. It can only measure what is in physical form. These are but a small sampling of what we have been led to believe is normal reality. There is nothing normal about reality, either for the individual or for all of humanity. What we need to realize is that the rules that we live by were put in place to control us. In reality, there are no rules. There is only potential, potential that is stifled by the imposition of rules. There are no limitations. We have only the limitation of our imaginations, and it has been shown that imagination is limitless. What does any of this have to do with shamanism? Everything. The shaman is able to see beyond ordinary reality, is capable of seeing beyond the rules and the veil of lies that regulate it. The shaman isn’t the only one who can see clearly, but I am focusing on them because I understand more about the metaphysical processes involved and because they are experienced guides of the territory that lies beyond the restrictions of ordinary reality. What is normal reality? It is a cultural construct. We are told what reality is from the day we are born by those who have been indoctrinated into the lie. Reality can be different for different peoples; depending on which culture they have been born into, which geographical region, which religion and which political ideology. World culture has been in the process of being homogenized, particularly in the past century. We are being programmed by the mass media to think reality is the same for everyone. It isn’t. The variables are as diverse as there are people. We have been hoodwinked by modern western popular culture of mindless consumerism. It is not the reality of those who still live in close relationship with the Earth. This is seen as a great tragedy because much of human diversity in culture has already been lost, most specifically, those cultures where shamanism was an intrinsic part. Beyond the restrictions of normal reality lies an expansive landscape of infinite possibilities that have been lost to modern civilization through the culture of fear and suffering that has snared our minds. The first thing anybody should do is to stop watching TV or reading magazines and newspapers. There is no truth in any of it and they are the main tools for imprisoning our minds. Or as Terence McKenna put it, “The mass media is spreading darkness at the speed of light.” Any system of belief, whether religious or political, that perpetuates the lie of reward and punishment, is without merit. They are based on fear, they perpetuate fear and it is this fear that imprisons us in the mind numbing mass hallucination of our culture.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:40:53 +0000

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