shares, for anyone interested in trying to begin to make sense of - TopicsExpress


shares, for anyone interested in trying to begin to make sense of the crisis in Syria, that some good preliminary online sources to start with include: (1) Robert D. Kaplans 1993 piece for The Atlantic, titled Syria: Identity Crisis, which mentions that certain Middle East specialists were already talking about Syria being divided into smaller states, based on sectarian dvisions, after fundamentalists take over the country. (2) Norman Podhoretz 2002 piece, in Commentary magazine, titled, In Praise of the Bush Doctrine, which argued that the US should orchestrate regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Egypt (among others). (3) The video of retired US Army General Wesley Clarks 2007 appearance on Democracy Now, in which he said that, in roughly October of 2001, he was shown a plan in the Pentagon for the US to go to war with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Iran (among others). (4) Seymour Hershs 2007 piece for the New Yoker, titled The Redirection, which discusses how the Bush administration, somewhat alarmed by how the wars in Afghanistan and especially Iraq seemed to strengthen Irans hand, wanted to use sectarian extremists as a tool for undermining Syria, Lebanon and Iran. (5) The Wikileaks release of a 2011 e-mail between employees of the global intelligence company StratFor, which discusses the intention of the US and Turkey to covertly foment civil war in Syria. Links will be provided in the comments section, below. If they are examined, one can come away more open to the fact that (a) the US was interested in bringing about regime change in Syria well before Obama came into office, (b) the plan evolved to transition from using overt military force, as in `Iraq, to employing sectarian extremist proxies, instead, and (c) the Obama administration has merely been putting into action a plan developed in the years of the Bush administration (with beginnings which may predate the latter).
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:18:09 +0000

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