sharing from Senior Ministries devotional-Jean Nidetch (founder of - TopicsExpress


sharing from Senior Ministries devotional-Jean Nidetch (founder of Weight Watchers)tells a story. When she was a teenager, she used to cross a park where she saw mothers gossiping while the toddlers sat on their swings, with no one to push them. “I’d give them a push,” says Nidetch. “And you know what happens when you push a kid on a swing? Pretty soon he’s pumping, doing it himself. That’s what my role in life is—I’m there to give others a push.”Very often in the Christian life, others around us need a “push” as well. Whether it’s giving them comfort in hard times or spurring them on to becoming more Christ-like, it’s our job as Christians to lift up each other in every way. Lift up someone today, and when the day comes that you need a “push,” they’ll be there for you too! Have a Blessed day and give some a Push with a word of encouragement, words of Hope, words of You can do this!! It might be just what they need to get them going in the right direction.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:17:51 +0000

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