sharing saturday shabbat Master teaching and learning the final of - TopicsExpress


sharing saturday shabbat Master teaching and learning the final of final condt/.. 2013 BEREISHTT PART 9 This year…….I bring you another interesting study and new insights from our Chinese Bones Oracles with the words of G_D in the Genesis 1:1 I am sure you have never heard before about this linkage between a true Chinese Words and to affirm the word of G_D in the Bibles. How to decipher the ancient Chinese Bone oracles script to understand Chinese words and the Bibles narration about creation and the flood. Interestingly there is NO BONES ORACLES for this word “CREATION”. Genesis 1:1 起初, 神創造天地。 創造 創 金文 在刀刃 shown a pair of hand working. later part another oracle shown a fortress structure with gate. 篆文 full character of this word is now meaning “Constructing a fortress”. So, this is connecting to Gen.1:1 that G_D is constructing/ establishing His Fortress ( Kingdom) by His own pair of hand and no others. ….天地 is referring to the Kingdom of G_D in Heavens and the Kingdom of G_D –YISRAEL in the planet –earth. Just as what the C-religious master said in Matthew 6 – “ Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy *WILL be done ON EARTH as it is in HEAVEN.” *WILL is referring to天地KINGDOM not Evangelism! It was wrongly understood in the early church ministry to drive into evangelism because of Matthew 28:16 and Mark 16:15 which is not the spoken words of JC BUT was an added scriptures/words by the early Roman Catholism. Proves: read below……Is JC preaching about evangelism or about the Kingdom of G_D? *When JC first came out to preached…he said “ Repent! For the KINGDOM OF G_D is near!” (Matt.4:17) *This is why before JC ascension his disciples asked him 6 So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” ( Acts 1:6 ) Interestingly this word造did not exist before creation time although 造 in Chinese meaning: “CREATE” Because this word創in Chinese can also meaning: Create. So, when did this word 造come into existence? Interestingly, this word造 come into existence during the days of Noach’s era. Why is that so? Take a deep examine on this word 造 金文 (舟,代表器物、交通工具等) (告,祝祷祈愿 You will find an image of a VESSEL/ARK/BOAT come into existence. And then follow by this word The Chinese researchers also decipher this word as: To TELL/ PRAYER/ MAKING WISH So “CONSTRUCT FOR YOURSELF AN ARK”……And PRAY HARD WHEN YOU ARE INSIDE THE ARK……..hence, this word seem to foretell the coming event of the big flood. ….天地 is not referring to Heaven and Earth……….but The Kingdom of G_D in Heaven and The Kingdom of G_D-YISRAEL on earth. It is unfortunate that many C-people already got these wrongly understood and impressed in their minds. It is hard for them to change it unless G_D open up their hearts. Watch this Youtube from Kong Hee …..will make your toes laugh……and yet those who hears his explanation applauded. youtube/watch?v=eNT82P6JpSM 起初…….In the beginning/The Origin/FIRST CHOICE…… 初 in the modern text comes with G_D and a knife. “初” meaning : BEGINNING/ ORIGIN use “G_D”+ “Blade/KNIFE” Q1: Why did the word“初” use “G_D”+ “KNIFE”? My Answer: You will get to know the final answer at the end of this message. 地 人 Ha-Aretz + the man ( YISRAEL) = KINGDOM As I have explained last year…….By ORIGIN/ From the beginning, G_D FIRST CHOICE is YISRAEL ( His Kingdom on Earth) and YISRAEL was chosen and was form in 金文 初G_D WILL DWELL WITH MAN ( YISRAEL) since the beginning of time and creation/establishment of G_D Kingdom in Heaven and on this planet earth. G_D has not change His Agenda since the beginning through the ends of the year……..And this is what G_D said in Jeremiah 31: 31~33 Can you see this images through this word 初篆文 31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the LORD. 33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the LORD, “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 金文 ========= 篆文 What can you see the differences and images between these 2 character? Answer: Can you spot it? Yes…..It is the HEART beside the MAN. So, actually SINCE THE BEGINNING/ The Origin of Creation/Establishment of G_D Fortress(Kingdom) G_D already has Chosen The Jewish people- YISRAEL to dwell with HIM with this term and condition: “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Can you see the image of a WHOLE COMMUNITY ( G_D and Man)? Community : A ( CAMP A) Community: B ( CAMP B) What is the differences between these two? From the Old Covenant to the New Covenant Since the beginning of Creation/Establishment ……G_D has already CUT this covenantal with the Jewish since the beginning. G_DHEAD above CUTTING KNIFE in the Middle stroke LEFT is the Covenants RIGHT is the man-YISRAEL G_DHEAD above LEFT is the heart RIGHT is the man….Yisrael 初 …..So now, when you look at this modern word for “ORIGIN/BEGINNING” it make sense why the word consist of “G_D” and “KNIFE”. 31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make/establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers…… 起 Strangely this word doesn’t have any Chinese bone oracle until later stage…. “ORIGIN/BEGINNING” it make sense why the word consist of “G_D” and “KNIFE”. 31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make/establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers…… 起 Strangely this word doesn’t have any Chinese bone oracle until later stage…. However, the 2nd part of the ancient writing still have some insight to share about THE CREATION OF THE FIRST MAN(YISRAEL, The FIRSTBORN) of G_D. The creation of THE MAN has to be YISRAEL as THE FIRSTBORN….....NOT EVEN Adam(the man) as written in Genesis 2. How can it be? Isn’t Adam, the first man that G_D created? My answer: From Genesis chapter 2 reading alone……it seems to conclude that Adam, was the Firstborn…..the First Man. It can be YES and it can be NO. Yes, it seem to have the evidence from Genesis 2 that Adam was the First Man…………BUT certainly Adam was NOT THE FIRSTBORN. This word here起 初 in this connection…..G_D is not referring to the creation of the man-Adam or multiple – MEN. But rather His FIRSTBORN, HIS SON. (走动;动做) (已,幼儿), 金文 起 造字本义:婴儿学习站立、行走。籀文 、篆文 承续金文字形。 As I share last year Bereisht…..The word in English “In the BEGINNING” meaning: FIRST CHOICE. G_D first choice is YISRAEL, My SON…….And NOT ADAM, the man. Let me show you why NT The gospel of Luke is telling a lie / Untruth….. G_D has never written in Genesis that Adam the man was the son of G-d nor was he the firstborn of G_D. But Luke wrote in his lying that Adam is the son of G-d in which G_D has not spoken. 1. Luke 3:38 the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God. If really Adam is the son of G_D based on this genealogy of JC…….then it is either G_D is telling a lie when HE spoke to the Pharaoh through Moshe………Read Exodus chapter 4:22 22 Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the LORD, “Israel is My son, My firstborn. So, G_D’s is Truth or the word of man ( Luke) ? You decides…….BUT if you decides G_D word is truth………..Then you must denounce that JC is not the son of G_D nor the firstborn. You can’t have two Firstborn………. shalom all enjoy reading.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 08:47:56 +0000

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