(short essay on nature of animal psychology and how the schism - TopicsExpress


(short essay on nature of animal psychology and how the schism between dominant culture and counterculture demonstrates European cultures severance from nature)... Animal life is all in coexistence...the framework of a beings consciousness varies depending on physical form...the framework is filled out by experience...different species can be thought of as operating on different planes on the earth, over time they inhabit physical spaces which sometimes overlap, but their behavior and relationships with each other isolate them in typical non-symbiotic instances. A way to illustrate this example would be describing squirrels perception of humans, which is basically a perception based upon the tangents of humans presence in the squirrels life, with emphasis on how that presence has effected events pertaining to the squirrels interests, positively or negatively... This principle holds true in a microcosm for humans in separate socioeconomic strata...their psychological frameworks, in terms of raw physiology, are hardly appreciably different, and yet there is a pronounced difference in worldview produced by experience, capabilities, opportunities, stereotypes, etc.. If the exact quality or nature of a humans experience were to be somehow accurately quantified, described mathematically, itd be the case that there was only a small amount of overlap between the average psychology of the members of each strata. Specifically - in the context of modern society - you see slightly more of a pronounced participation in the professional sphere by white people - that is, the above-ground economy, the government-sanctioned economy - due to hegemonic dominance of that sphere traditionally and presently biased towards white people. The nature of this hegemony provides a higher economic standard of living for its members, specifically dependent on their proximity to the hierarchical center of that hegemony (loosely, their degree of participation & importance in the plutocracy). The psychological requirements of this participation, and hence the psychological development of people participating in it, are thus biased towards the mechanics of that socioeconomic system. conversely, people excluded from that system - more often originally Hispanic, American indigenous, African, etc. - having been excluded from economic access to that system, and excluded by its monopoly from resource access, are often thus socioeconomically forced into more desperate forms of resource acquisition, including lower-paying work inside the system, or participation in the black market. To be perfectly accurate, the black market is technically included within that system, by mechanisms of corruption - in fact, the black market is a product of the corruption of the dominant socioeconomic system, and is exploited for profit by the dominant actors in that system, as proven by events like Iran-Contra scandal, the Fast and Furious scandal, the Mena Airport scandal, Prohibition Era corruption, the Opium Wars, the Afghanistan War, etc. - all this despite being officially condemned by the same actors orchestrating that drug running and related black market activity. Paradoxically, the hegemonic cultures forcing of excluded peoples to participate within the black market is used in cultural memes as justification for the very same enforcement measures which criminalize the goods markets the black markets are based upon, thus worsening the problem (i.e. the prohibition problem). Correspondingly, due to the socioeconomic pressures forcing minority participation in the black market, culture (as a mode of expression) directly reflects the experiences relating to it. For all points in time where this pressure has been exhibited - most of the 20th century and all of the 21st century so far - there is a pronounced theme in minority culture relating to the underpinnings of human experience, between the nature of joy and innocence, and alternately, the nature of suffering and crime. Originally, these themes could be found in blues music (trope of the soul being sold to the devil, themes of love, commitment, sadness, etc.), jazz music (dichotomy between big band jazz & introspective later jazz, jazz fusion - even anti-police themes in Miles Davis, etc.), this schism is currently most pronounced in hip-hop music, in the dichotomy between industry and underground hip-hop (ex. counterculture groups such as Aesop Rock, Lupe Fiasco, Immortal Technique, Dalek, and groups focusing on criminal life - current trap music, referring to the living in the trap of the black market, dirty south, etc.). Thus its actually proven that the cultural output of peoples typically confined to the lower class exhibit more knowledge of nature, experience, and is actually almost in itself demonstrative of hegemony (upper class/ruling class) hypocrisy - the most basic themes of this cultural output relate to the lapses in understanding of the dominant European culture, as a product of their effects, and could in a sense be called the forefront of the rest of animal lifes perception of the hegemony of European people, or European culture, over the world.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:27:08 +0000

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