showed me the trumpet that will be used for the Rapture. He told - TopicsExpress


showed me the trumpet that will be used for the Rapture. He told me, MY COMING IS VERY NEAR”. The trumpet was so shining and it was made with wonderful gold. He also showed me preparations for the Rapture. The Lord took me to a very big hall and I saw many saints in pure white garments, they were singing, praising God, shouting unto the Lord - the glory of God was in their midst. Heaven is very beautiful , it was shining everywhere because all the light there was the glory of God. A VERY BIG HOUSE OF A WOMAN IN HEAVEN The Lord show me a very beautiful and big house in heaven, I wondered who could be owner of this house . The Lord told me IT BELONGS TO A WOMAN; HER NAME IS MARGRET. SHE IS WINNING MANY SOULS TO MY KINGDOM! THE SOULS SHE WINS CAN NEVER BE NUMBERED BY MAN, ONLY BY GOD HIMSELF. HER WORKS HAVE BUILT HER THIS HOUSE. [ Matthew 10:7] SHE SURRENDERED HER LIFE TO ME ,THE THINGS OF THE WORLD WERE NOTHING TO HER , NOW SHE ENDS UP IN MY GLORIOUS KINGDOM! ANY CHRISTIAN THAT REFUSES TO WIN SOULS TO MY KINGDOM CAN NEVER ENTER MY GLORY”. [ Matthew 28:19-20], [ Matthew 10:32]. THE ROAD OF HELL FIRE The Lord show me the road of hell, there are many people on that road. Some look like Christians but they were going on the road leading to hell. Some held hands, a husband holds the hand of the wife, a wife hold the hand of husband. Parents hold the hands of their children, and some were going on their own There was a very big load on the back each person. The more Jesus looked at them, the more He was crying like a baby. I saw something that puzzled me; I saw groups of people, they were women, and they tried their best to pass through the way to heaven, but a power was pushing them back. Then the Lord told me, “THE UNCLEAN THING SHALL NOT PASS THROUGH MY WAY. [ Isaiah 35:8-9]. I asked, “What is the unclean thing in them?” And the Lord told me, IT WAS THEIR DRESSING, THEY PUT ON EARRINGS, WEAVON, ATTACHMENTS, CHAINS, JEWELS . THEY PUT ON MANS CLOTHES, THEY ATTEMPT TO BEAUTIFY THEM SELVES ---THEY WANT TO PASS THROUGH MY WAY. THAT CANNOT BE POSSIBLE! TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE!”. ….Then He continues crying. [ Isaiah 3:16-24], [ 1 Peter 3:3], [ Deuteronomy 22:5] The Lord wept bitterly and he cried aloud like a woman in labor. Those of you who think you can just do as you like after you gave your life to Jesus, you are just deceiving yourself! Do not listen to the deception of the devil, when you are born again, old things have passed away [ 2 Corinthians 5:17]. THE ROAD OF HEAVEN The Lord then shows me the road to heaven. I saw people but there are not as many as on the hell road. On that road, I saw that some were moving forward, some were moving with joy, and some were dancing, praising God. [ 2 Corinthians 13:9], [ 2 Corinthians 12:9]. I then notice that there are little and not-too-high hills on that road, and whenever anybody gets there, they will climb up it then get down to continue on their journey. I noticed some people had already crossed the hill but were coming back to the road, they were tired of moving forward. If you are that kind of Christian, you are tired of temptation, afflictions, poverty and many other things. You think the best solution is to quit serving the Lord, so you stop that and go back because you feel you are just a man that escaped from a tiger and had fallen into the pit of a lion. The Lord still wants you ,but you must persevere. “We must through much tribulation to enter in to the Kingdom of God.” [ Acts 14:22].Return to Christ and he will save you! Remember the torment of the backsliders in hell fire [ Jeremiah 3:21-22]. I saw some were standing, they are not moving, they are just standing there. If you are Christian and you are thinking of weather to continue serving the Lord or not, you have to stop the evil thoughts, and then move forward. The best choice is to continue moving, so pray for strength [ Ephesians 6:18]. I then saw that some were crawling, they wished to continue on the way, but they were tired. If you are the kind of Christian that you fear your parents more than you fear the things of Christ, you have to stop it. This is very dangerous and some of you think that your parents are persecuting you, making you to sin against God. You have to pray and say “no” to any decision that is against the will of God, the Lord says, FEAR NOT [ Matthew 10:28]. Pray for strength to stand up and begin to move forward because our God is powerful. Cry unto him, and he will listen to your request [ Ephesians 6:14-18], [ Jeremiah 33:3]. Jesus wept bitterly and I too was sorrowful -- the Lord told me WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU THAT YOU ARE SORROWFUL? IF YOU TRUELY ARE SORROWFUL,THEN TELL THE PEOPLE WHAT YOU SAW. I then woke up with fear. THE END REPENTANCE It is time to repent from any sin. No matter what sin you might have committed, GOD is just and faithful to forgive you your sin [ Romans 10:9-10] Jesus loves your soul and he does not want your soul to go to hell fire. [ Habakkuk 2:13].GOD has sent his only Son, Jesus Christ to die for your sin! Whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. [ John 3:16] Jesus is the Way, the Truth ,and the Life, and no man cometh to the Father except by Jesus [ John 14:6]. Repent now and be saved. [ Acts 17:30-31].if you are ready to give your life to Christ, pray the following prayer. Lord Jesus, I know myself as a sinner, I know I am in darkness, but now am ready to do what you want me to do. Please forgive me all my sin, wash me in the river of your blood, heal me, strengthen me, empower me, give me power over the flesh and let your kingdom come into my heart. Write my name into the book of life and let there be joyfulness in heaven over the salvation of my soul. In Jesus name I pray. Amen THE END
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 07:36:12 +0000

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