siblings Bangladeshis killed in Syria Posted by admin01 Publish - TopicsExpress


siblings Bangladeshis killed in Syria Posted by admin01 Publish On সোমবার, ২৩ জুন , ২০১৪. বাংলা- 9 আষাঢ় 1421 সাল । CRIMEBARTA.COM: Two Bangladeshi sibling expatriates were killed and two others injured critically in a missile attack in Benghazi of Libya on June 21 night. The deceased were identified as Swapan and Milon, hailed from Shariatpur. Injured Ibrahim and Kamal were admitted to a hospital from where he was released. The deceased used to work at a mineral water company where another 32 Bangladeshi expatriates work. First Secretary (Labour) of Bangladesh Embassy to Libya Ahsan Kibria Siddiqui confirmed the matter. We are keeping a regular contact with the workers after the incident, he added. Ahsan Kibria also said that the company has safely transported its labourers to another place after the missile attack. He also said, “The bodies have been kept at Benghazi Medical Centre. We are processing to send back the bodies to Bangladesh quickly.” The attacks on Friday night (June 21) followed a week of on-and-off clashes in Benghazi and Tripoli between irregular forces loyal to a renegade former Libyan general demanding the parliament step down, and rival militias opposing his campaign. Libya’s government has been unable to control brigades of ex-fighters who helped oust Muammar Gaddafi in a NATO-backed 2011 uprising and have since emerged as heavily armed rivals who often challenge the legitimacy of the state. It was not clear who fired the rockets at the special forces base in Benghazi. But the city is home to the Islamist militants who have been targeted by forces loyal to retired General Khalifa Haftar. - See more at: crimebarta/2014/06/23/2-siblings-bangladeshis-killed-in-syria/#sthash.npw8szqk.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 13:58:00 +0000

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