signs of the times= revelation, spiritual not natural . August - TopicsExpress


signs of the times= revelation, spiritual not natural . August 10, 2013 at 4:40pm many a sermon has been preached on the signs of the times and practically none of them have taken note of the fact that in the whole book of revelation the word [sign-wonder] is used only 3 times. in each case the sign is in heaven- in the realm of the spirit! not once is there a sighn givin on earth to indicate where we are in GODs great program of the ages! the heavenly realm is the spiritual demension where GOD lives as eternal, omnipresent spirit. it is not some far away isle of somewhere, wearing a white night gown and playing a harp! its where our heavenly father dwells as spirit, and he longs for you and me to be joined together with him and to dwell in his presence, and hear him speak to us and send us forth in the power of his spirit until the whole world shakes and is transformed by the presence of our GOD. heaven is nought but the omnipresent realm of the spirit which upholds all things and fills all things. it is all about us just as the air is all about us and in our lungs and permeating every cell of our body. it is a higher realm than the physical world of matter, but it is not a far off place. it is a demension of life, glory, authority, holiness, wisdom, knowledge, and power, which transends every natural, earthly, and physical thing. the signs given us in the book of revelation are all in heaven, in the spiritual world, and that is why they can be seen and interpreted only in the spirit! can we not see by this that all who are looking at wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, worldly rulers and wempires, and a thousand more carnal, earthly things are beholding there no vision whatever of the time in which we live in the purposses of GOD!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 01:51:31 +0000

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