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siitube/article_read.php?a=1348#.VJnbDH4j69p.facebook Renowned Ethiopian painter Lemma Guya has just put the finishing touches on his goat skin-mounted portraits of the 53 African leaders who founded the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963. I am an African and my Africanness is uniquely rooted in my Ethiopianness, the 87-year-old Guya told The Anadolu Agency from his mansion-turned-gallery in Bishoftu, located some 40km south of Addis Ababa. Throughout my career I have shuttled between these two mutually complementary identities, he added. In my paintings I have tried to depict and narrate our acceptable and unacceptable traditions and lives. Maybe thats why visitors to his mansion, which sits on 10,000 square meters of land, will find a yellowish bronze bust of a smiling Nelson Mandela, the late South African leader, as soon as they step into the place. Mandela is the most perfect embodiment of Africas rise, Guya asserted. He radiates dauntless moral courage, a peaceful transition of state power, equality, justice, inclusiveness and democracy. Guya traces Mandelas story to Ethiopia, where the liberation icon received his first military training and his first handgun. This is why he stands here as a philosophical inspiration of my works and our lives, he said. The veteran painter, who looks much younger than his age, established his African Art Museum in 1983 inside his gallery. I wanted to make it an African visual art center of excellence, he said. But its fundamental objective was to initiate dialogue about African art with the aim of achieving Africas rebirth. The then Organization of African Unity joined the vision and it was inaugurated by its then secretary-general, Ahmed Salim Ahmed, Guya said. Yet the pan-African bodys promises to financially support the center and turn it into a hub for African painters never materialized. I was disheartened by the backpedaling on promises. After years of waiting, I decided to go my way, he said. But despite the passage of years, Guya never forgot his artistic engagement with Africa. I have presented a project that aims to produce the portraits of the founding fathers of the African body on goat or gazelle skin, he said. The idea – along with some sample portraits – was well received by African Union (AU) Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma in 2013. In a hand-written note, she promised to stand foursquare behind the artist and his project. We are grateful for all the works of art you have produced in authentic African style for the history of Africa, the OAU and AU in a unique way, Dlamini-Zuma wrote. Our support is guaranteed. Guya has already completed the portraits to be displayed at the AUs Addis Ababa headquarters. Read More at Anadolu Agency
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:51:26 +0000

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