since decades the so called palestine conflict keeps going. I - TopicsExpress


since decades the so called palestine conflict keeps going. I have seen terror on this path all the way. Hardly someone knows, that the war is financed instead of peace. Peace could be financed also. But it isnt. Example: Palestinians and Jews, both nations havent got enough country to develop. Too many people. A long term solution would demand more space for both of them. A neighboring country is Jordan. Its sparsely populated and a large chunk of Jordan is dry as a salt mine, though 10.000 years ago Jordan had forrests. The United Nations World Heritage sponsored a feasability study, whether it is possible to build a pipeline from Red Sea into Dead Sea in order to refill the basin. It would take 65 years to refill (and I assume even longer if we have a global warming trend) via a pipeline. The project would have climatic, social and cultural impacts and conserve the heritage there. Besides the project offers free energy and sweetwater in suitable size to develop the whole area, including the area on the other Side of Jordan River. Vegetables, water and food , agriculture, sustainability and industry - all this would boost in the area. Jordan today has 100% inhabitants of whom only 30% are jordanians. The rest are different groups, largest are palestinian refugees. King Abdallah II is a direct offspring from Mohamed and his policy is outstanding in the middle east. He offers a civil society a better option rather than war. The feasability study was finished when I visited the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and worked with the royal engineer. Costs for the project is less than the costs for a modern dubble hull crude oil vessel. 2 bn USD. If Germany would put another 10 bn on top (no problem for Germany) and some of its technologies and other countries out of 198 enlisted nations at UN would chip in also the major economic and social stressors on the region could be easily turned down. In fact it were possible for the international community to make an offer to the civil society in Israel, in Palestine and in Jordan. Instead since more than 66 years conflicts are financed in the area. All of them in context with the unsolved palestine question, which wouldnt have popped up in history if Germany wouldnt have started to mass-murder the european jews and started WWII. There already could be a different state of peace on this planet, if we wouldnt have made quite egoistic choices in the past - worldwide. Terrorism grows, where people were left back in misery and injustice.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:07:12 +0000

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