sittin home alone like I so often do it occurs ta me that I made - TopicsExpress


sittin home alone like I so often do it occurs ta me that I made it this way by design, more then not lost in my own mind, I surround myself with demons sum self inflicted others surely shot straight into me or injected, thingz in my life changed traumatically 9+ years ago n so many thingz now eat at my heart n go right to my very soul, sumtimes I loose all sight of what is good n what is right sittin in th dark n unable ta find even a sliver of light, I dont seek pity or any other form of feeling sorry for me sumtimes lifes jus shitty, really understanding that I am who I am thingz are th way they are n Ive done what I can to b a better man n thats it in ah nutshell basically, today quickly went th other way from feelin sumwhat ok to sad all over again n if you think I choose ta feel this way you couldnt b more wrong between what has n what is in my life goin on, bottom line dont take my kindness for weakness n try to understand I am doin th very best I possibly can to b sum kind of productive n happy man, this really goes out to th ones I love th most who get caught up in th crossfire of my emotional status taking often a harder hit then what they deserve by tryin ta give ah shit, note to those of you, th few, that im talkin about who know what I am saying believe me I have no desire ta hurt anybody, sumtimes ya gotta let go of what is eating u alive on th inside, now I have rambled enough I do wish th best day for each n everyone of you I truly do.........JG.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:39:17 +0000

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