sitting here right now in the early hours of the morning, its the - TopicsExpress


sitting here right now in the early hours of the morning, its the chirping of the crickets, and occasionally the mockingbird breaks into a song that lifts my heart. I torment him by whistling a set of his notes which vexes him and he responds. I hear him closer. Hes either in the crepe myrtle at James window which FINALLY opens so he gets the benefit of fresh cool air, and I get to hear the birds muttering to each other in the safety of the ornamental shrub. He complains that its too close to the house. Had I realized his issue with the closeness I would have gotten with him and tried to dig it up and moved it out five foot...Its too happy and too settled now and has grown tremendously. Same as the crabby apple. The picture I took of it when we first moved here in no way resembles itself now. She is queen of the front yard, no doubts about it. Its a reflection of today that inspires my fingers and patience to just let it pour out. Today once I got over the initial hangover of staying up to see the lunar blood full moon eclipse, almost get rear ended by some maroon behind us on our way to view the eclipse and watch them have a head on with two huge deer that we were braking for which was why we were slowing down............James tried in vain to wake me for Jeopardy, but I was past sleep deprived. I dragged out just past 1. It was a warm and beautiful fall day outside. There were a few Sungold tomatos still on the plant in the only pot I havent pulled the vine out of yet and used the soil for someone else. I went out to check the mail barefooted, enjoying the warmth on my toes because too soon it will be socks and sneakers........shorts will be replaced again with jeans and a warmer shirt. I muttered at myself for not removing the rest of the grass near the mailbox garden that still hasnt gotten its block edging that James has planned on doing. The Autumn Joy sedum are settling in, the aster got a haircut and might rebloom, and the Helenlium are hanging in. One still blooms. The other one sulks. I intend on tucking in the Dazzler sedum at the back once the grass is removed and the beds inside is defined. I brought in the mail, (thanks Angie !!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:18:56 +0000

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