smart economies start with Green jobs. Create thousands of - TopicsExpress


smart economies start with Green jobs. Create thousands of jobs through investment in renewable energy, expanding passenger rail and modernizing freight, retrofitting thousands of buildings to high standards for energy efficiency. Smart economic stimulus. Expand access to employment insurance for those who paid into it, while protecting the pensions of retired Canadians. Reduce EI and CPP contributions for businesses. Fair global trade. Reform, revise and rethink our trade agreements. Trade is a part of a sustainable future only when it is fair for all. Healthy industry. A healthy agriculture sector, with support for those who wish to transition to organic farming. A healthy fishery, with an end to devastating draggers. A sustainable forest industry with more emphasis on value added, and less raw log or unprocessed pulp export. More jobs for more people making real things. Cut wasteful subsidies. End the failed strategy of throwing good money after bad in corporate bail-outs for big business, and subsidies to nuclear and fossil fuels. Get the prices right. Get the prices right for long-term sustainability. Avoid structural deficits. Implement a revenue-neutral carbon pricing architecture to modernize our economy. Build a “Made in Canada” Green economy. Green Party of Canada
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 22:45:59 +0000

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