smh. I am saddened, Father is speaking from the heavenlies, and - TopicsExpress


smh. I am saddened, Father is speaking from the heavenlies, and people are to set in their own ways to acknowledge Him, or His voice. Since the beginning of Time deception has run rampant on this planet. It began in Heaven with Lucifers fall from grace, continued here when Adam heeded the voice of Eve who had been deceived by the serpent. It was prevalent During the ministry of Christ, as He walked the earth, men who had known the law from birth He rebuked often... He told them, They did not even know what they worshiped. Said they were of their father, the Devil. We see Him collecting certain men from the masses and teaching them personally the Truth of the Creators ways. We hear in the Prophets of old, the hidden wisdom that would later be revealed by the Holy Spirit. This Same Spirit that put on Flesh and became the man, Christ. This same Spirit that walked with us Came in a mighty way at Pentecost to show us the way into ALL truth, He does not speak of human wisdom, For being God almighty Himself He is Truth. Men, fearing Christs ministry laid hands on Him, took Him and crucified Him. They were showing the depths they would go to to retain their power, position and hold on the people. They knew that if a man could go directly to the Father, their position would become worthless. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to the world. The world, carnality, human thinking, cannot understand it. The same way these men could not understand God was walking among them. When He was risen from the dead these same men would divide the people, make lies and try to bury the truth of His Resurrection, raising up people to say the disciples had come and taken the body. They feared that Life after death would change the motives of peoples lives. No longer would they need to come to them for forgiveness, sacrifice, repentance. No more would they need to honor men of flesh, they could be forgiven simply by accepting the sacrifice of the Christ of God and come to Him. Father took from them His Glory. Father took from Flesh what had been designed for only Him. The deceptions continued, however. As long as man has his way and does not yield the deceptions will continue. In John chapter 10 it is written the thief cometh not but to steal, kill, and destroy. The truth of this is everywhere you look today, and is only getting worse. The enemy of God has taken things of God and twisted them to suit this purpose. Father has allowed many things to come from his hand as a way and means of sifting who will love only Him, and who will not. The deceptions are seen again, in Pauls writings when he states They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. He knew that in the times that would follow man would twist his writings and lead many astray. He knew and understood that the enemy would be given authority to sift the Child of God, to destroy any and all who would not hold fast to their creator, to Punish the wicked for their ways. Paul told them these men would be out here with us, that they were not of God, that we should not be surprised when they appeared to be preachers of righteousness. Christ Himself said that many would come in His name, and deceive many.... I weep. The Holy Spirit of God is calling His children OUT of the deceptions, away from the lies of the enemy, and into a fullness of intimate relationship with Himself, and many, many people will not hear. Is it so hard to see that deception has twisted your book into making you believe something that is not true, simply because you trust the created book more than the Word spoken by the Creator? You think His name is Jesus? I am not Hebrew, I am no scholar, I do not know Greek. I do not presume to know anything Except My Father put on Skin and Died in my place, then Gave me His Spirit when I accepted this fact. I now call Him father. For me to continue to believe man has not twisted the Bible, changed it, altered it, would be foolish. But this is the WHOLE point of the Spirit of Truth being given to man, to create a oneness with His creation! The coming time of trouble is unlike anything that has been in the nations before. The Spirit warns, the deception will be so deceptive that if it were possible, the Very people sealed with the Spirit of truth would be deceived. We are in the last days, the final hours, earth will soon be purified by Fire from the Creator Himself. To be sure you will stand on the side of truth, intimacy with the Creator is a must. I no longer need to read the book, I know the Authors voice. To believe the book has not been altered, to believe the words are the same as when they were pinned, is arrogant and foolish. It has been 2,000 years since Christ walked this earth physically. A lot of time has gone by. Salvation comes to all who call out to Him, from the heart in what ever form He reveals Himself to be. I put no trust in men, and to trust that the books of the Bible were translated correctly would be to trust the scholars and humans that did the translating. In times of ignorance Father winks, He understands we are but dust, He knows we are vain in our understanding and into our desperation, into our tears for peace, He pours out Grace and mercy, Compassion on a weakened and broken creation. Beware them men in the world that would cause you to walk with them away from The One and Only God most High. Beware of them that DO NOT point you to Him, and look instead to draw you to their own way of thinking so as to feel better about themselves. One thing is certain, He knows who are His and for His it is well. Call out to Him today and do not trust in the wisdom of a created being, including yourself. We are but dust.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:38:06 +0000

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