smh... It would have been funny if it werent for the Liberal - TopicsExpress


smh... It would have been funny if it werent for the Liberal agenda packed message they try to indoctrinate Americas youth with... AS IF we owe anyone free birth control, ffs...If youre old enough to be spreading your legs you are old enough to have a job to pay for your own birth control! Oh wait, I forgot, liberals dont like to work and believe the government [hard working taxpaying citizens] owe them... but they themselves dont owe anyone anything. I WISH all liberal idiots that hate America would move away to some god forsaken part of the planet where they can realize they were never liberals to begin with but its too late to come crawling back because America no longer wants them... The thing about liberalism is it sounds good but in reality it fails miserably just like socialism and communism. smh... Liberals must have failed ALL of their history classes, and are mathematically retarded, and have no ability whatsoever to think logically, and suffer from delusions of grandeur to be so stupid as to think THEY can be the ones to make it work. smh!...
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:25:31 +0000

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