snowden is a false flag in my opinion. maybe authentically a - TopicsExpress


snowden is a false flag in my opinion. maybe authentically a whistleblower, i have no opinion on that, but ii think the amount of attention he´s gotten is really peculiar, the timing he blew up in the media, and what i percieve as ¨branding¨ of his image by the media, including the so called alternative media. been trying to think of whos really effected by the leaked information, who benefits by everyone knowing the info was leaked. since most of us activists understand how media blackout works to keep info down, we should be equally critical of media vomit when it happens. why is this such a big thing? did people fight to make it that way? is the media just being uncharicteristically responsive to folks interests? are we really interested? the timing was also interesting, snowden blew up oin the media last year at the same time as one of mannings important trial hearings... i my opinion its a big inconsiquential distraction from manning and assange and other systemic struggles. military whistleblowers are common, but its rare they get attention like manning, this is very powerful, and potentially precident setting. simply showing people the injustices taking place is a necissary first step, and to promote that is weak, to even discuss it shows weakness, so power interests resort to distractions. theres no shortage of distractions, but something specifically engineered to appeal to those who identify with or support ¨hactivism¨, those who were spreading the manning and assange stories most. enter snowden, a well refined persona of intelligent civil subversion. not to dismiss the value of his work, imnot calling him a fraud, but the way he has mimetically been branded and his image and voice circulate around the world. he is branded as a hactivist, and in that powerful network, we have a number of angsty socially alienated youth looking forsomething to rally around. instead of revealing systemic injustices like abuse of military power(manning and other CONSTANT military whisteblowers), or defending rights to information(assange and wikileaks) or addressing the systems themsleves that necessitate things like surveillance, we get a dialogue that centeres around our individualist interests, our personal right to live free of surveillance, a ¨freedom-from,¨ rather than our collective rights, and our collective power, our ¨freedoms-to.¨ Once again it puts us on the defensive, it makes our mvoements reactionary, and conservative. Where did all those tea partiers in the occupy movement come from early last year? maybe snowden inspired them, go figure. co-option takes many forms, we all need to take this shit more seriouslly! to be honest im not that concerned of what happens to this middle class white cis dude. worst casescenario he goes to federalprison for a while, maybe hes put into solitary confinement. im actually confused as to why hes seeking asylum, and why its been given. and why he hasnt just disappeared. thats not saying much, im in a perpetual state of bewilderment. maybe its my confusion, maybe its my privelege, i dunno, but im more concerned about the generations of surveillance black, hispanic, and indigenous communities have been subject to, and how white washing allows us to be divided, and not consider issues legitimate until they effect white america. this just keeps us down and allows things that are effective for controlling dissent in minority populations, to be applied to the broader population. and here we are. once again reactionary, defensive, protecting white americas right to live without surveillance. because... the 1%orsome shit. and the constitution maybe? i forget. what about the grand jury trials in washington, where anarchists are being held for upwards to a year with no charges and thier 5th amendment rights withdrawn, to interrogate them to see if a crime was even committed. what about the vocal revolutionary socialist eco-activist and mother Marie Mason being targetted with trumped up charges of terrorism serving life sentences for burning down a GMO lab and other lesser attacks on unjust corporations doing evil work... lets not pay attention to those things, snowdens like me, a straight white dude behind a computer, i can relate to that! he´s not vocally anti capitalist, and his rhetoric is quite accessible to nationalists. hes quite dashing too!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:08:11 +0000

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