so, 2014 is the warmest year in history... i guess that explains - TopicsExpress


so, 2014 is the warmest year in history... i guess that explains the coal and oil deposits in Antarctica, where it takes warm climates and lots of vegetation and other life to make.. There are coal deposits found along the coast of Antarctica. It is also very wide spread throughout the Transantarctic Mountains. These deposits were formed between 35 million and 55 million years ago when Antarctica was covered by ancient swamps. Coal forms in swamps as plants die and are buried before they can be completely decomposed. They are then covered by other sediments such as sand and mud. This burial allows the hydrocarbons in the coal to be preserved for future generations to use. so colder now than it was 55million years ago? how did that happen? i also guess that explains the ancient maps of the coast of Antarctica that shows the coastline free of ice.... Ancient maps of Antarctica show areas that were completely covered by sea ice in the 16th century, and which remain covered today. And this begs the question: From what maps did those early cartographers copy? And more importantly: Who made the surveys in the first place? but the problem that exist with climatic data is that records only go back to 1880. not only was this year a cool year, but on a planetary scale that is only around 135 years. 135 years on a planetary scale is not even a measurable time frame when most of the cycles last hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.. but they want to say that humans are responsible for all the warming.. we are but a speck upon the planet and have very little impact on temperature changes.. lets go back a few thousand years, back to the end of the last ice age.. if we go by current doctrine then humans were very sparse during this time frame.. humans were also very unadvanced at this time and were reported to live in caves and other holes.. so what caused the ice age to end and the warming trend that followed? according to current Socialist doctrine, people are and have always been responsible for the warming of the planet.. they say it is due to fossil fuels being burned and that releases CO2.. now call me nuts, but wasnt it Carbon Monoxide that was released through the combustion process just 30 years ago? i distinctly remember when in school science class that we were taught that it was Carbon Monoxide that was produced during the burning of fossil fuels (reason people die from Monoxide poisoning when using a generator inside a structure) and that CO2 or Carbon Dioxide was a byproduct of respiration of living organisms.. as i remember it, animals breath in O2 or Oxygen and then breath out CO2 or Carbon Dioxide which is in turn taken in by plants and converted back to O2 completing the carbon cycle.. As part of the carbon cycle, plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use light energy to photosynthesize carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water, with oxygen produced as a waste product.. and this still does not explain how during the last part of the ice age, where there was no fossil fuels being burned and people were few, how the earth started on a warming trend.. but there is another fatal flaw in their CO2 theory.. CO2 is a heavier than air colorless orderless gas.. A colorless, odorless gas that can be formed by the body and is necessary for the respiration cycle of plants and animals. Formula: CO2 Molar mass: 44.01 g/mol Melting point: -108.4°F (-78°C) Boiling point: -70.6°F (-57°C) Soluble in: Water read the last part.. Soluble in: Water Soluble sol·u·ble ˈsälyəb(ə)l/ adjective adjective: soluble 1.(of a substance) able to be dissolved, especially in water. meaning that CO2 can be mixed into and combined with water.. (how do you think carbonated water is made) but this also happens naturally in nature.. this happens with the formation of carbonic acid and naturally occurring acid rain.. .. Carbonic acid is the chemical compound with the chemical formula H2CO3 (equivalently OC(OH)2). It is also a name sometimes given to solutions of carbon dioxide in water (carbonated water), because such solutions contain small amounts of H2CO3. In physiology, carbonic acid is described as volatile acid or respiratory acid, because it is the only acid excreted as a gas by the lungs. the other places that CO2 combines with water is during rain storms where it is combined with water to create natural acidic rain.. what this means is that during rain storms portions of the CO2 are washed out of the air and creates natural carbonic acid.. Normal rainfall is slightly acidic because of the presence of dissolved carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is the same as that found in soda pop. Acid rain or acid snow is a direct result of the method that the atmosphere cleans itself. The tiny droplets of water that make up clouds, continuously capture suspended solid particles and gases in the atmosphere. what this means is that rain naturally cleans out CO2 and other gasses and converts them to something else.. Even without man-made influences, there are natural sources of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other species important to determining the precipitation acidity at any given time. Hence, trying to quantify mans contribution to the natural condition will never be possible, since the natural background condition cannot be known.(admitation that they cant contribute it to man made conditions) and another problem with their man made BS is that they are still attributing a lot of the problems they ay exist on the industrial revolution... that time has come and gone.. and with all the laws and regulation on greenhouse emissions since the 70s, the greenhouse gasses(including CO2) are lower now than they was 20years ago.. but there is also another big ass flaw with their current doctrine.. they say that with increased gasses and pollutants spewed into the atmosphere that it causes the earth to warm.. but if you know science and physics this is proven to be the opposite of the case.. this is seen with the eruption of volcanoes.. during major eruption sulpher dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitric oxide (just to name a few gasses) are spewed into the atmosphere at a greater number in one day then all the cars and industries in one year.. but when multiple volcanoes are erupting then the climate actually cools a few degrees because of the increased particulates and other pollutants that block out the sunlight... yes that is correct.. the more stuff in the atmosphere the more light is deflected and the less light reaches earth to begin with, so in fact the climate cools rather than warms.. Volcanic Emissions As volcanoes erupt, they blast huge clouds into the atmosphere. These clouds are made up of particles and gases that were previously trapped in the geosphere, including sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, chlorine, argon, carbon monoxide, and water vapor. Millions of tons of harmful sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide gas can reach the stratosphere from a major volcano. While all these gases play a small part in volcanic-induced climate change, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are by far the largest contributors to global cooling. say what??????? so when nature produces pollution then it causes the earth to cool.. when a person supposedly causes it then it causes the earth to warm? im confused.. every time they open their mouths they contradict themselves and contradict scientific studies that suggest otherwise.. global warming is a hoax created by the elite for control.. remember, back in the 70s it was global cooling, then it was global warming, and now what are they saying? climate change same BS just a different name.. a NASA study that suggest that CO2 causes cooling and not warming? ..>>> naturalnews/040448_solar_radiation_global_warming_debunked.html
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:49:42 +0000

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