so I had another random encounter today; One the way home from - TopicsExpress


so I had another random encounter today; One the way home from an event I ran by the grocery store because I was craving a green drink. As I was walking around, I stopped by two sample stations to try out cheese. There was a guy right in front of me who stopped at both tasting stations right before me so I asked him which one he liked the best. He turned to tell me and I could tell there was something off about the way he looked and sounded. We started a conversation and it turned out that he had had brain cancer (and survived) that impacted his speech and eyes. Somehow his fiance came up and I mentioned that she must be a lucky woman -- he seemed like a really sweet guy. He told me that he was the lucky one and he told me the story about how he met her once he was better. I asked how he met and he said that he thought he would never meet anyone because the impact of the cancer on his body. He said he was so fed-up and that one day he prayed that he would meet his soul mate. The next day, one of his friends set him up with a women who he wanted to set the guy up with before he got sick. And now, they are engaged to be married. I joked, wow, if I knew all I had to do is pray for that, I would have done so a long time ago! He then put his hand on my shoulder and said the same prayer for me that he had said for himself the day before he met his future wife. Either I have a whole bunch of angels around me.... or I just meet the most random people. p.s. always give people a chance. I could have dismissed him because the way he talked was off, everyone has something to teach us and sometimes lessons come from the most unexpected places...
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:46:21 +0000

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