so I researched further into the natural remedy to help you quit - TopicsExpress


so I researched further into the natural remedy to help you quit smoking.. The Cream of tartar and orange juice method. This sounds discussing but I used it several years ago when I made the decision to quit. Here is some quick useful info if you are looking for a way to help you quit.. CREAM OF TARTAR EXPLAINED: Cream of tartar, a.k.a. potassium hydrogen tartrate, pulls nicotine out of your body. Half a teaspoon of cream of tartar in an z glass of o.j. before bedtime will send the nicotine packing via your sweat glands and elimination tracts. You take it before bed so your body has all night to do its work peacefully and thoroughly. Cream of tartar also replaces necessary potassium lost in the habit. Some say the chemical change resulting in the pH of your body causes it to fight off bacteria better. Some say it causes you begin to dislike the taste of cigarettes, too. The o.j. makes detox easier because the vitamin C scavenges the free radicals you put there by inhaling something on fire with chemicals a lot. According to ehow, cream of tartar also fixes urinary tract infections and heartburn. Also, it’s made from wine crust and is a vital ingredient in Play-Doh. It stabilizes and creamy-fies eggs and sugar in the world of culinary tricks. It cleans brass and copper cookware and metal coins, and can be combined with vinegar to super-clean stovetops and crusty pans. Cream of tartar is what you add to baking soda to make baking powder. FOOD SCIENCE! I suppose you could even do the remedy and keep smoking, and clean as you go, as it were. But nobody in the litigious “real” world will tell you that part. If you drink cream of tartar and orange juice as part of your quitting-smoking regimen, and you’re mindful and contemplative about the nature of your cigarette habit and how it promises to provide you false comfort and spiritual transformation in some way but never comes through … then you smoke fewer cigarettes, because there’s less of a nicotine reservoir in your body that needs to be refilled, and you detox your body chemistry down to where you can quit all the way, cold turkey if you like, without getting totally stabby.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 00:37:11 +0000

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