so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on - TopicsExpress


so I sent messengers to them with this reply: “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” Nehemiah 6:3 Do you know when you discover your purpose in God distractions are sure to come. Just as God works on you to prepare you for your purpose the devil works on you to distract you from your purpose. That distraction may come from enemies or those close to you because they may not understand what God has for you. In Nehemiah 6:3 Sanballat and Tobiah are trying everything they can think of to distract Nehemiah from his purpose in Christ. They invite him to a meeting and than they try to intimidate him through threats and a false prophet. Have you indentified the distractions in your life? Sometimes they are people who do not know that they are a distraction because they have their own desires and needs that are very important to them. They believe in God just like you do. They pray to God just like you do. They worship and trust God just like you do but their mission in Christ and their purpose in Christ is different so they do not see what you see or hear what you hear therefore they just simply dont understand. Guess what? That is perfectly fine you just have to decide what is more important serving God or pleasing man. My Pastor asked a question yesterday that really stirred my spirit. God, what do you want to do through me to bless your church. Thats powerful and thought provoking. I cant help but think of Abraham. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” God posed the same question to Abraham and Abraham responded by being obedient even to at the prospect of sacrificing his own son. How many of us complain when the church does something we dont like or understand? How many of us are willing to make that ultimate sacrifice for the greater good of the church body. I am not talking about the building but the body of Christ? You see this is where the Sanballats and Tobiahs come in. This is the point where they enter with distractions designed specifically for you. My church is taking on a project that in my humble opinion will change a change lives that will ultimately change a community that will touch the hearts of countless souls. This is something that will and is stretching a lot of individuals who love Jesus Christ. Loving Christ and living the life of Christ are to distinctly different things that many folk are discovering. For my wife and I it is completely trusting God with are finances. For my wife it is a faith walk like she has never taken before. For me the ultimate control freak its about relinquishing my entire life to Christ for Him to have His way. Every area of my life is now under His submission. I know the deep saints reading this will say they have already done this and if you have God bless. As for me, there has always been some area where I have held back. It has been finances at times. It has been employment decisions at times. It has even been friendships or relationships I have held on to far to long. However, I am all His to have His way with no distractions. Oh yeah! They are sure to come but like nehemaih Why should the work stop” God, what do you want to do through me to bless your church. That is the million dollar question every saint should be asking themselves. Not what should you do but what will God do through you. This is where the real sacrafice comes in. Keep Pushing The Stone! Chris Pender, Sr. MHS
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:16:04 +0000

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