so I was looking for a good threading video for a friend whos - TopicsExpress


so I was looking for a good threading video for a friend whos going through a tough time and not getting much rest.. and wait.. this is funny hahahaa...ok so I go to one that sounds like it might be good for getting everything balanced and I got distracted because a pop-up ad in the video said Buy Caps Online o.O hmmm? see where Im going with this? .....lmao... okok so with the chanty music playing I really thought that link was going to take me to a place where they sell shrooms online.. now distracted and also confused, like why would the shroom store have an address like Ihatehats??? (several blonde moments happenin all at once..yeeees I know :p ) anyway off I go following the link (#notthatIwouldyouunderstandjustinterestingblahblahblah) sOooo I still dont know how the video is... and now I cant stop laughing #damnsilly #seewhatImean #sidetrack101 #backtothemission #prayerslightgoodvibes
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:41:41 +0000

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