so, a few years ago at the Academy, there was a Chinese student - TopicsExpress


so, a few years ago at the Academy, there was a Chinese student named Billy, I worked in the European program, and how I became aquanted with him was his instructor, a newbie named Amanda, was in the instructor lounge loudly voicing her complaints about him... so then he came by looking for her, and she was so mean to him, that it made me sad. One of the main differences between me and the young instructors, was that I cared for the students, and understood how it was to be so far from home..there were a few who were awesome, Dune, and Marius, but most of the rest of them treated the students poorly.. anyway...there had been a terrible plane crash at Transpac the month before, Billys best friend had been one of the fatalities.. He shut down after that, and I saw it happening, his Instructors just kept handing him off, and picking on him, and then he was terminated from the program.. I went to the chief instructor, and asked for the kid to be given to me, that I could work him through ... I was denied, but I took him anyway, I saw, that he was clearly suffering from the loss of his friend, who he had been close to since childhood, and as the Chinese are usually solitary children, they have friends that become siblings, as they have none...anyway, the chief instructor, terminated him, and wrote a letter to the Chinese airline that he had cheated on an exam and that was why he was being sent back to China, which was a lie, and was going to ruin his future. His parents contacted me, and told me that because of the letter written by the Chief instructor, that he was being denied entry into the University there, and could I please help.. ( smiling now, with an evil glint in my eye) So I wrote a very formal, and very honest letter, vindicating Billy and citing the prejudice of the Chief Instructor against Billy, and how he had been treated unfairly. well, it worked, and he was allowed back into the university.... he graduated as an Air Traffic Controller, and has a fine future, I am so proud of him... but what is really lovely... every American holiday, every mothers day,without fail I get mail from him wishing me joy and happiness, and thanking me for being his mother here in America, and that, my dear friends... is what makes it all worth it.. I went to war for this kid, lost , but in the end , it all came out right.. one of the finer memories I have and it always makes me smile ~
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 03:27:56 +0000

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