so again warning for the easily queasily LOL! I always sau this is - TopicsExpress


so again warning for the easily queasily LOL! I always sau this is a RAW descriptive page discussing very openly ALL my issues and all symptoms rerlated to them... so if you considerpoarts if this opst or any7 posts/ commentys to ever be TMI - well,this is how thjis opaghe is for me/ m,u needs and even infeed back from others and their copmments/potings of relatabilioty, questioning, etc that also is raw and detailed and p[ossibly could be considered TMI... i;m, here to officially annopunce that on THIS page... unless i and those who like/ comment & post choose NOT to discuss it... there exisits NO SUCHJ THING as TMI on THIS Paqge... everything in the body, mind, sopirit and environmental suroundings as well has a very important impact ( even if seemingly unimportant, unnecessary, &/or otherwise insignificant... that is NOT turue in myn oppinmion... egvenj the smallest bthings in ALL of history have developed i9nton the the biggest bthings .. everything, every aspecty of life hass some i9mpact and is an intended pary of our lifre as iyt lerasds us to the nrext step, the next direction, e6tc... EVERYTHING counts, nothing is irrevalent,Everything matters, nothing iks TMI! Since EVERYTHING even the TMI health tyoe details have a profound impact in my other &/or WHOLE heaklth... si uit;s all relavent and disccussable on thi spage... yea - so, as tortorous as it WAS and STILL ISSSSSSSS VERY MUCH SO emotionaly AMD physuically -& even w/ the adjustment in volume of water fflush flow via PEG from 200q 6 hrs. to 33cc q. 1 hr is STILL extremel;y bithering my GU and ( aty least here now they have my zifran EXACTKY as it[;s supoposed ti be ordered BITH the standard 8 mgh TID standard ordered ANS an ADDITIONAL PRN dosiung of zofran q6 hrs also 89mgI so it;s helpimg some that i can taqke thjat as needed - as in ti ther max since it;s ZTHAST bad... since thery FINALLY DO actuaklky hasve my2 seperaste zofrang orders cirrected as they were/ are still intended to be ordered... soooooooo... that is at least helping some,... and while Il;m cll-=ome extremely close to if countless times, since i got here ilve had ZERO viomiting... although consistent extreme nausea still... BUT, tomorrow is Monday and the oncall dr. thast is/ was sooo leary nit knowing me/ my case AT ALL yet to make ANY changes that were in==nit immentently detrimental in those EXACT m,oments and only minbor cimomporomised versions to a FEW of those order s=changes... will NOT be the one to make decisions again come tomorrow moirnuing when MY PCPO dr,. Arpino and hisd NP-C gregory MCClurg are back and i see 1 or the pother or likely w./ all things cionsidered BITH and then nm=our developing ED tx team approach here has said to me ( specificallyb yester Paqtty tolsd kme this: trust me, i know you feel that even this adjustment in anounts of water flushes and at a differfent hr, rsate ( having been at 200cc water flush q 6 hrs 9 meaning every 6 hrs. all at once 200 cc ( nit gradually oiver that 6 hrs. but that the TF is paused from runnuing and irt rapidly opushes through ALL 200 cc of water AT ONCE as tyhe flush EVERY 6 hrs. - they oncall wasn;pt ready to make the OFFICIAL oirder fior cintinuous IV hydration uinstead of hydration via PEG -Tubnein opder to help the probs w./ vlume overwhelm in my stomach, amnd worsemned nausea and increaserd GI sopasms and GI pain pains issues - but its STILL overall throughout the 24 hjr. time period, thje SAME total vo;lume into myu stomach anmd h[considering m,y extreme maslabsorbsion... that really changes NOTHJIMGHG!!! an also its CKLEARKLY s=STILL NIT adequately , sufficiently or rapidly enoughhydrating me as muyu teeth, lips, cheecks and tounge in the opast 2=+_ days has only VERY dnoticaly is appearing to worsen.. as is my diziness... and i;ve noitced alsdo today sicne i got up that i am extremly more pale than i;ve been in severeal months ( at kleast tio my kniowledhge/ awareness... ) i mean my lips are dry and actually WHITE WHITE almost no even slkight coloring ti them... Ip;m absolutekly dehydrated already... even ion the PEG water flushes... its just the PEG administered water fklushes are NIT absorbing sufficiently and taking waaaazaay too long to absorb i=to any degree and w/ all that dehr=ydrstion Ip;ve had 9 ewhich now that we pout the other laxatives onj hjold and amfd JUST taking the new lasxative it h[=HAS been drasticlly & increnmantally imprioving and it nearly a niormal texture/ s]tyoe *& amount of BM - - and i;ve litterally NEER experincesd a Nirmal texture/ tyoe/ size if a B< and yet ( since they are monitoring AL nmy intake and out put... they ARE telling me that this IS getting far closer to what a nbirmal BM aoppears like... - that it IS still too soft, but much muich greater improved tioward a normal BM tyoes... which is amazing... and the 1st time in my life its been THIS close to normal in 1 direction or another... and so i hy]am going to have the dr. officially d/c the other 3 laxatives tiomirrow AM ASAP ( since for now it was JUST on hold tio see if it was going to be helpful, or if it was maybe niot helopfukl as p=the poosibility if some OTHER issues creating the suddenly exctreme switch to ourely liquid dirahea from extrem bacled uop life long chronic conmstipstiom that required cionstant mltidailu prfescription laxatives\and colace per and approwx 1-4 x weekly needing ememas which ALSI rarekly did anything excep t expell crap tinged ememas fluids, and maybe a small marbles or toi if a BM would come out... and there;d need to be futehr interventions medically extremely often tio FORCEABLY remive the ( ior ay least the most if the) extrfemely comopounded, backed uop, constipation,... then they added in this hisouitakizatio ti thise other prescription laxartives anbd ciolace this lactuilose med,,.. and suddenly ( within a few hrs. i BEGAN HAVING bmS INITIALLY THEY WERE FLOWUING WELL AND FIRM REMIOVIN G AL THE EXTREME BACK UOP - BUT THENM IT GOT MORE AN DMORE LIQUIDY AS THETHE BACK UP CLEARED OUT AND THUS EVERYTHING GOLING INT ME NUTRITIONSASLY WAS LITERALLY AT THE SAME TIME DEPLETING ME IF FLUIDS EVEN FURTHER - AND OUTT IF MY CONTROL... SOOOO I FIRMLY BELEIVE THAT THIS COMBINASTION OF THE 4 PRESCRIPTIONS LASXATIVES IS over kill - I MEAN I di ACTYUALLY APPRECIATE THIOSE 1SYT 2 DFAUYS AS IT finally fully FOR THE 1ST TIME INJ MAYBE FIOREVER entire
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:19:25 +0000

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