so far pretty much every detail of fb is getting worse and worse. - TopicsExpress


so far pretty much every detail of fb is getting worse and worse. it sounds nice and fluffy and all, but the actual truth of the matter is, FB sold its soul for short term financial gains, and has become a militant and manipulative evil overlord, and an anti social network. there is no complaint department answering, so there is no way it can ever hear criticism or respond to millions of people who are sick and fed up with the bullshit. Thus, FB is over evolutionary time doomed, and looking for jobs in a doomed and evil company isnt a very sensible option. me personally, im leaving FB, and im going to be working very hard to help the world get clear of this abusive crack fiend evil overlord relationship. 45 minutes ago · Like John Mark Bassist FB could probably use ten social scientists, ten game theorists, and two dozen ethics specialists, right now the problem is there are three kinds of people at FB, programmers and coders, spooks, and greedy evil jerks. if you had any social scientists you wouldnt run the place in a way that is actually stupid and evil and detrimental to actual social functioning, if you had game theory and systems theory or a moral compass you wouldnt be a frigging evil bane and blight on the internet. 39 minutes ago · Like John Mark Bassist you know when tv arrived everyone heralded it for its power to link the world together, to educate and inform the population, to serve the needs of humanity, to be an incredible boon for society. But thats not what TV ended up being used for. Instead it was used to give an evil elite apparatus media and brainwashing access to the general public, and to thus create a public that is duped stupid and evil by a floodwater of lies which it digests from evil corporate and government agencies. We could have used TV to improve communications, we could have used it to mass organize the public into think tanks, we could have used open source collaboration instead of control- even in the age of TV- to use the power of mass intelligence instead of rule as evil overlords via the power of mass hypnosis. We could have loved the world with knowledge and set humanity to the task of working and solving high order problems together. We could have outsourced the work of giant political think tanks to the general public and come up with real solutions instead of mere caste apparatus backed by lies inside of twisted pseudo science. And its no different with FB. I have given FB a model which it would do well to study for a business model that could in theory work and be a positive boon to society. Of course that model of educating the public and engaging them wont fly in a situation where the whole point is to control and lie to them, the idea of a rational egalitarian world loving network wont fly where the real game is to isolate people in a faked social network, shove them into closets and make it impossible for them to find each other or bond together as they own their many pages instead of the far shorter list of issues. When we talk about formal conversational logic, and hence axiomatic analysis, that has an immediate and profound application for FB in helping it to solve its problems, in order to create a functional social network, in order to connect people instead of suck them into an endless dungeon of corridors searching for other people that they arent supposed to find. See the science is in, and what that science tells me is that FB isnt a social network, because its both anti social, and anti network. Instead of intentionally optimizing and connecting people, its intentionally isolating them in order to make them struggle to make connections in order to make them never find anyone and struggle in order to get them to PAY. Thats not a social network, its a pyramid scheme and a casino, and over all its also just a formal hierarchy where those that have the money to pay get to assert their opinions - true or false or good or evil- over the rest of everyone elses. Facebook does not connect people, it isolates them. It doesnt organize information, it memory holes everything into a constant page scrawl crawl. It doesnt create useful bonding social environments, its gives everyone such bad ADD that they cant give each other even the real time to have a relationships that are real. It is an opressive, suppressive, manipulative, evil con scam of a system, and thats before we even begin to talk about actual manipulation, about censorship not for the common good but for corporate evil, about censorship of truth and even evolutionary information to favor a demonic status quo. Before we even talk about demanding peoples real full names and the neccessity in the real world of personal anonymity and the human right to express ones identity in terms other than birth names. FB is would be one thing for you to fascistly demand my real name to put in parantheseis like you now have my actual name- which is prometheuspan- on the one page where it ever appears.. my home page.... but to unilaterally decide that because you are fascist and control tripping and evil like that that you wil FORCE me to walk around as {john mark bassist ) after what? changing it from john bassist after your own system tells me that middle names are not required ... and yet thats the only way back in? So your fascist little headgame of a con scam system has grown that petty and dispicable? I knew for 101 reasons that FB was a losing proposition dealing and making terms and finding peace with FB as the devil, but this mor eor less cinches it. Im out, because FB is frigging evil, pathetic, manipulative, and in every sense, barbaric. These are the groups and pages which that kills. Maybe if you have any brains at all you will see a pattern here, as i tried stupidly to help FB and humanity evolve, and pathetically, due to your mass manipulations, isolations, censorship, and ADD creation and mass hypnosis, its futile. I might as well be trying to sell warp drive, zero point energy, and egalitarian civilization to ants.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:41:24 +0000

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