so guys today is the 27/11/14 and the day i met Adam was 27/11/10 - TopicsExpress


so guys today is the 27/11/14 and the day i met Adam was 27/11/10 exactly four years today and i thought maybe i would share my story again with you guys i know glammomma loves it it gives me goosebumps when i think about it so ill have them soon haha all the photos attached are from the show i was at in Manchester the meet and greet of me and Adam and the items i got from the show I stood in line waiting for Adam to come out and i was so excited when he come out he looked perfect as always and as i was getting closer i was shaking with nerves and excitement i couldnt hold myself as we got closer i kept thinking do i look okay is my hair okay i kept asking my friend Sam who come with us i was so nervous then he looked up at me and i almost didnt move my legs werent listening but then i did i walked towards his open arms and he wrapped them around me i hope he didnt hear me when i inhaled and smelt in his intoxicating perfume or what ever it was and then he let go after what seemed like a life time and looked me up and down and said look at you dont you look cute my face flushed and i didnt know what to say i went bright red and as he was signing things i gave him a picture a very special girl drew and i just said my girlfriend drew that he looked at it and said oh wow its good then as i was leaving he said bye and i just said thank you for everything and walked away with tears in my eyes in the concert we waved to him and he waved back a couple of times it was easily the best time of my life i just hope one day i can get to meet Adam again as a lot has happened in my life since and if it wasnt for Adam i dont think i would be here sharing this as i have said before it was hard for me when i lost my cousin and Adam pulled me from my shell i hope to one day stand in front of Adam and say Adam Lambert your my hero so all in all this is my story and four years down the line i am now waiting to go see him sing with queen january cant get here quick enough after four years of waiting i will get to see him again his next album will be just as amazing as the last two and i can not wait for that the soon cant come quick enough i cant believe its been more then 4 years since i fell in love with this amazing beautiful man and i will always love him i love all my glamberts and i love my glammomma
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:07:07 +0000

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