so here is my funny story...Tara Benge and I decided to go to - TopicsExpress


so here is my funny story...Tara Benge and I decided to go to Wal-Mart on Thursday night for the Pre Black Friday sale. After several hours in Wal-Mart we had everything on both our lists and checked out. Upon exiting Wal-Mart with our overflowing carts, my cart came to a stop and would not budge. I dumbfoundly turned and looked at Tara. A lady behind her whom was laughing stated ummm I think you just ran into the pole. Tara was laughing sooo hard that she could barely pick up her packages that were falling from her cart. As I was getting ready to say something to Tara, one of her packages fell from her cart and hit her on the head. Tara and I were of course laughing histrically and so were the three ladies behind us. We loaded our packages and headed to McDonalds. As we were crossing the parking lot still laughing we heard a voice say there are those cart ladies. Of course by this time we were dying laughing. We went into McDonalds and looked at each other and said what the hell are we doing at McDonalds with no kids. We left McDonalds and headed to Taco John but it was closed. Off to Hardees we went but again closed. So back to Wal-Mart we went for Subway. There is never a dull moment when the two of us are together. Love ya girl!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:48:54 +0000

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