so i am listening to the first noel on tv during a break on - TopicsExpress


so i am listening to the first noel on tv during a break on Imus. it humbles me to think about the story way back then, so primitive, so simple, yet so powerful. but then its hard not to think of what is happening in the middle east recently with ISIS, alQueda, the telliban etc etc. so much hate. how can they hate so much? they have killed each other for 4,000 years and i dont think we will change that by forcing our will on them. lets just get our boys out of there. we dont need their oil anymore. china does. let china send their kids to die for it. (i really dont want anyone to die for it) i know, i am protectionist and thats not cool. but lets quit arguing about the keystone pipeline (that i call the china pipeline because its getting built to export our oil as we import oil to take its place....makes so much sense......well i suppose some billionaires are making more billions per quarter by it) lets start the right argument(s). lets argue about building new refineries in our country, create long term refinery jobs instead of 3 year pipeline jobs..... and keep the oil/stop importing oil. lets argue about consumption standards and maybe end up using less too boot. lets let the wild rightys and wild lefties get out of washington and lets elect centrist common sense folks that can move the country forward, kind of like tip and the gipper did for those of you old enough to appreciate that. lets allow rush limbaugh, al sharpton, and other hate merchants from both sides of the isle to retire because we dont listen to their hate mongering and being dumb enough to repeat anything they say as if it matters. (heck, lets let al shapton to pay his taxes... just like willie nelson did) lets start the right arguments and protect our people, our long term jobs, our kids in military, our farms, our factories, our workers lets argue about people who wont work but can....lets argue about a real answer to the imagration problem instead of making it a lightening rod. (those folks will work and can pay into SS and state and local taxes) lets allow corporations to pay a little tax towards the infrastructure they use daily. as a country, we can not afford to police the world (ron paul) but we can afford to protect our people, our economy, our soverienty. wow, that escalated quite rapidly. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:29:05 +0000

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