so i got the job working at night from 8 pm to 8 am as a nurse - TopicsExpress


so i got the job working at night from 8 pm to 8 am as a nurse assistant lol the nurse dt interview me ask me can u handle it after showing me all the patient that has head trauma, tube on there neck even patient dt has aids. and im thinking what the hell did i get myself into lol but then she told me just think bout ur kids and dts why im pushing my self becoz what i do is all for them i dnt even have experience and when she ask me why? i wanna be a nurse assistant i just said i wanna explore im ready to learn new things and i wanna have experience. and im ready to do this i remember when people downing me talking bout im childish,free loader,lazy,i will never change and im thinking u cnt really judge people base on what u think they are and what they past are becoz someday dt person dt u talking about is eventually gonna get tired and u dnt really know what i do and what im capable of doing so once im focus im focus all the way people can change u cnt be close minded and think dts how they gonna be forever! now dt i go to church not dt i like it i love it becoz i always get blessing and when i go to church i dnt go to church just to have sumthing in return but i go coz my heart is genuin and becoz dts what my heart wants to praise the lord! uhummm u dnt believe it right? coz its like its not me yes i am genuin i wanna keep continue it becoz i felt in my hear dt its my time my calling! and i thank God for believing in me cz he wouldnt give me this kind of job if he knows dt its not for me. so i leave it to him n i know he will guide me thru it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 22:06:04 +0000

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