so i have a serious question for all of my friends out there...i - TopicsExpress


so i have a serious question for all of my friends out there...i know many of you have your own set of ailments that plague you as your days tick away....ive seem to have a whole new set of alignments that started somewhere around doctor doesnt know what it actually is nor know where to start tests cause so far stuff has come up negative and i cant afford a ton more of i wanted to see if i described my symptoms if anyone could shed light on what is wrong with me (besides the obvious): 1. the biggest issue is the chest pain. it was mild in the beginning, but as of the last month or so has gotten worst. it makes it hard to breathe, puts me in a grouchy mood and generally makes me just feel like shit. its generally located in the center of my chest and i can feel the roughness of my own esophagus further down. 2. i cant swallow phlegm, i can swallow food/drink when i am eating, but i constantly seem to have a build up of phlegm or spit in my throat that i cant seem to clear out, and i think it adds to the chest pressure. 3. constant burping, along with the pain and inability to swallow, i have to constantly (and i mean every few mins all day long) burp to help relieve the pain/pressure. and its not normal burps, it feels kind of like im burping in and then out without actually breathing. maybe with my diaphragm? 4. fatigue...this has gotten to astronomical levels where i feel weak a lot of the time, kind of in a low blood sugar way but even after meals i feel like this. I have sever insomnia where i have to take lunesta at night to sleep, but even on the rare occasion that i actually do sleep i wake up in the morning feeling like its time to go to bed still. its like sleep isnt recuperative for me anymore at all. 5. anxiety/depression has gone off the deep end since my conditions have gotten worst. i find almost no joy in anything i do, its all an uphill drudge and i feel like i am powerless to even control my own life, partially because im afraid to even plan things for myself incase im just disappointed which seems to happen a lot of the time now. so there you have it...the biggest things ive been having to deal with for a while now, if anyone has any ideas...ive been tested for thyroid issues which the levels were fine, ive had a sleep study done and i dont have sleep apnea, i take pills for allergies which have not helped, ive taken 3 different types of heart burn meds which have not been of any help to me. i am about 2 steps away from having to pay for a scope down my throat.....does this sound like something to someone? im at my wits end with feeling like crud day in and day out...i didnt just spend the last year and a half losing 80 pounds in weight to only feel more sick than i did back then.....thank you for taking the time to read this.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:54:42 +0000

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