so i wanna thank randal for not wearing his biker colors at the - TopicsExpress


so i wanna thank randal for not wearing his biker colors at the crossroads youth ministries fundraiser last night. it was a great gig and i feel it is a wonderful and worth while organization that helps teens by providing guidance and a safe haven if they need one. now my only suggestion is lets not have it outdoors at the height of june bug season. it started off nice as the sun was just setting but about 45 minutes into the set as the inside pavilion lights were off and the only lights were the ones on each side of the stage..well my goodness, what a wonderful opportunity for all the junebugs in parker county to swarm. and swarm they did. from everywhere it was little kamikazi junebugs coming out of the lights like a hoard of small brown winged rodents the size of marbles..seems kyle and lucas were in the shadows so i was the one most available to harass. after about 10 minutes of dodging the little winged hooligans and shaking a few out of my hair and off my guitar i got an idea. i got on the mic and said that it just dawned on me that it was such beautiful and fun audience that we should turn on the house lights so i could see everyones smiling faces. the houselights came on after about a minute i could also see the junebugs going after new targets now that there were lights everywhere. was quite a festive sight to see people waving their arms and slapping the bugs off themselves and each other. was kinda like they were dancing while setting down in chairs. in trying to look at the positive side i told the audience that in the scheme of things we should be grateful that when God created them, he didnt give them stingers. anyhow we continued and had a fine time in spite of the non cover paying little brown winged party crashers. got stuff going on this week like crazy.. tuesday on roots and branches got guthrie kennard, 8 ball adkins, if birds could fly and lucas and kyle will be joining me.. got gruene hall friday and if birds could fly will be opening..i dig those cats. check em out on youtube. then chili cookoff sat at larry joes. play at 2:30. gruene hall may have special guest..may not. either way, youll get your moneys worth because when we play gruene hall..we get in gladiator mindset. be good to yourself if no one else is. yours truly, rwh
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:26:24 +0000

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